Student Veterans Alliance
Welcome, Student Veterans!
Thank you for your service! Transitioning from the military to college is a unique experience for Veterans. The Western Kentucky Student Veteran's Alliance is a Veteran run student organization that was established in order to provide military Veterans, Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard and their dependents with the resources, support, and advocacy needed to succeed in higher education.
Student Veterans Alliance is looking for input from you, our military and student Veterans. If you have any Veteran issues that you would like addressed, please email the Student Veterans Alliance at with the details of your situation.
Fill out our application form here. You may drop by your one time member due ($30) to Gary Ransdell Hall room 2067. Please pay with cash, check, or money order made payable to WKU Student Veteran Alliance. Thank you!
Scholarship Opportunities
WKU SVA Jessie Ball duPont Fund Scholarship 2023 (This scholarship is NOT currently open)
The WKU Student Veterans Alliance is proud to offer three, $1,000 scholarships to eligible military affiliated students at WKU. These scholarships were made possible by the generous gift from the Jessie Ball duPont Fund. Their mission is to serve the communities that Jessie Ball duPont knew and loved. With their support the WKU Student Veteran Alliance created these scholarships to assist eligible military and veteran students in making higher education more affordable and reducing barriers to access.
Eligibility: Military affiliated students must meet the following criteria to apply for this SVA scholarship.
- Must be serving in the U.S. Military (Active Duty, Reserve, or National Guard), or be a veteran of the U.S. Military.
- Must be a current student and enrolled in at least half time for the Summer or Fall 2023 semesters at WKU.
How to apply:
- Complete the Application and Letter.
- Turn in Application and letter via email to or in person at Gary Ransdell 2067.
When to apply: Please submit your application by 11:59pm (Central Time) on 03/15/2023.
Wells Fargo Military Support Scholarship (Currently Open Until 03/15/2024)
A $600 scholarship will be available for the upcoming year, split equally between Fall/Spring.
Students must meet the following military criteria to apply for the scholarship:
- Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard, Veteran, or military dependent of active duty or veteran
- Enrolled in a program of undergraduate study, or be enrolled in a graduate program or doctoral program with at least one full year remaining until graduation
- Applicants must complete an online WKU TOPDollar scholarship application prior to the published deadline each year, and have a current FAFSA on file
- Recipient must possess the personal qualities of character, integrity, dependability, and industriousness and human compassion which produce leaders and merit the honor of this award
How to Apply:
Provide a letter introducing yourself and discuss how you meet the eligibility criteria listed above. How will this scholarship help you to fulfill your educational goals?
- Complete the Application and Letter.
- Turn in Application and Letter via email to or in person at Gary Ransdell Hall 2067
Application Deadline:
11:59pm (Central Time) 15 March 2024