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TOP Major Change Request


Confirm your Major

Log in to TopNet using your WKU ID and TopNet PIN (set to the last 6 digits of your Social Security Number the first time you log in). If this is the first time you are logging in, you may be asked to certify your address before continuing.

  1. Click Continue on the bulletin board
  2. Click Student Services
  3. Click Registration
  4. Click View Student Information
  5. If your major is correct, no further action is needed. If it isn't, please see the instructions for changing your major. 

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Change your Major

If you have not signed up for TOP, you can change your major by emailing your full name, WKU 800 number, and request to admission@wku.edu.

Undergraduate Majors at WKU

If you have already signed up for TOP, you can fill out the Major Change Form through TopNet.

Log in to TopNet using your WKU ID and TopNet PIN (set to the last 6 digits of your Social Security Number the first time you log in). If this is the first time you are logging in, you may be asked to certify your address before continuing.

  1. Click Continue on the bulletin board
  2. Click Topper Orientation Program Students
  3. Click Change of Major
  4. Follow the instructions to submit your major change request

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About TopNet

To confirm or change your major you will be asked to log in to WKU's TopNet.
Visit www.wku.edu/it/topnet to learn more about TopNet.

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 Last Modified 3/17/20