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TOP Information

TOP Information


TOP attendees will park in on Western Kentucky University's campus. For specific parking directions for your TOP date, click here.


Check-in will begin on the 2nd floor of Downing Student Union (DSU). DSU is located directly across from PS2. You can follow the signs located outside of PS2 and within DSU to guide you to the TOP Check-In stations.

Day-Of Schedules

Detailed schedules are available here. Please be considerate of the check-in time that is listed in your confirmation email. Some TOP dates have multiple start times which are assigned at the time of registration.


TOP for incoming students takes place on WKU’s main-campus in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Students and their guests will learn about class registration and graduation requirements, meet other students, attend an advising session, and register for classes. This program will last all day. We ask that you plan to be on-campus until 4:30pm the day of your TOP. 

To accommodate as many new Hilltoppers as possible, each student is allowed to bring two (2) guests. We will not be able to accommodate more than two (2) guests per student. There is no additional cost for up to two (2) guests per student.

TOP dates appear on the registration form according to major. If you and your friend have different majors, you may have TOP dates appearing on your registration form that differ from your friend.

At least one week prior to your TOP, you will need to request that your high school send us your official transcript. While a final high school transcript (with graduation date) will be necessary eventually, if you will not have a graduation date in advance of TOP you can send an in-progress document for scheduling, and then just be sure to send us the final transcript after graduation.

If you completed college courses while in high school, official transcripts must be sent directly from the college awarding the credit to WKU by mail or through the National Student Clearinghouse. Once your official transcript is received, we will add your college work to your WKU record.  WKU does not award credit for college courses posted on your high school transcript.

For information on how to send your documents to our office, click here.

All admitted students who have an unweighted high school GPA below 3.50 are required to send their official test scores (ACT or SAT) to WKU as soon as possible to ensure correct course placement before their Topper Orientation Program (TOP).  Even though test scores are not used for admission, WKU requires test scores to place you into reading, writing, and math courses. If you do not have test scores or if you do not send them to WKU, you will need to take between 1-3 placement tests before your Topper Orientation Program (TOP).

For more information, check out this resource


 Last Modified 1/9/24