Facebook Pixel Program Overview | Western Kentucky University

Program Overview


Upward Bound (UB) is designed for high school students who are interested in attending college or vocational school after high school graduation. The activities and services provided to students are geared toward successful completion of high school, acceptance/enrollment in college, and SUCCESSFUL completion of college.

WKU UB provides year-round services to participants throughout their high school career. During the academic year, UB staff visit target high schools and meet with participants one-on-one and in small groups. Topics covered include: classroom and grade concerns/success, ACT prep, study skills, and college and financial aid information. One Saturday per month students are bused to WKU for speaker presentations, workshops, tutoring,  and cultural activities.

The summer residential program takes place six weeks during June and July. Students live in a WKU residence hall and attend academic classes Monday through Thursday in math, English, science, foreign language, and reading/literature. Fridays are used for cultural/social activities in Bowling Green, Nashville, or other cities within a day’s drive of WKU.  In addition to classes and Friday activities, students take an afternoon class of topical interest, have recreation time in WKU’s athletic facility, have study/tutor time, and participate in a nightly activity which will range from a baseball game in Nashville to a movie in Bowling Green. The students who maintain a certain grade point average (GPA) in summer UB classes can participate in a college and culture tour to a major city. Recent trips have included Chicago, Washington D.C., and New Orleans.

 Last Modified 9/6/24