Facebook Pixel Information for Staff | Western Kentucky University

Information for Staff

Staff Employee Eligibility Criteria

Staff employees must meet all noted criteria.

  • Completed 20 years of full-time service at WKU as of December 31st, 2024. Service at WKU does not need to be continuous.
  • Actively employed and who currently hold full-time fully budgeted Education and General (E&G) staff positions. This includes positions that may not be identified as "budgeted" (in the FY 2025 Operating Budget), but are nonetheless currently being fully funded by E&G funds.


Ineligible Staff Employees

  • Athletic coaches
  • Employees whose positions are funded partially or entirely (100%) by grants or other non-E&G sources.
  • Employees having an identified or stated employment period, e.g. contract employee.
  • Employees who have previously attained retirement status with the University and/or retired with TRS or KERS who have been reemployed in a full-time position.
  • Employees who may have submitted a resignation/retirement notice dated September 2nd, 2024, or earlier related to a future resignation/retirement date and that has been acknowledged in writing by the applicable department head or dean.




VSIP Plan Document for Staff

Learn More 


Application for Participation

Apply Now


Staff Waiver and General Release Agreement

Learn More 


Benefits Information

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Frequently Asked Questions for Staff

Our employees are instrumental to the success of Western Kentucky University. As part of an employee-centered strategy, WKU is implementing a Voluntary Separation Incentive Program (VSIP). This program is designed to recognize the contributions of our long-standing employees and offer opportunities for those considering a career change, while supporting organizational renewal and invention and providing financial flexibility.

The VSIP focus is on budgeted (E&G) positions and is designed to support eligible faculty and staff who may wish to pursue new professional or personal opportunities. Participants will receive a lump-sum payout from the University, which offers both recognition of their dedicated service and budget flexibility for the institution. This flexibility will enable us to reinvest in strategic priorities and continue advancing our institutional mission.

Plan Announcement: September 3, 2024

Application & Consideration Period: September 3, 2024 - October 18, 2024

Revocation Period: October 25, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. CT (or 7 days post-signature)

Separation Date: November 30, 2024

Incentive Payment Date: The last regularly scheduled payroll in January 2025.

The VSIP will be administered by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (Dr. Bud Fischer) and the Executive Vice President for Strategy, Operations and Finance (Ms. Susan I. Howarth). In consultation with the University President, these two senior leaders will have responsibilities for VSIP communication and administration, validating employee eligibility and providing final approval of employees into the VSIP. The Department of Human Resources will have a key role in communication, education, assisting employees with questions, custodian of program documents, and assisting VSIP participants with separation from WKU, including retirement processing as applicable.

Staff who meet eligibility requirements for the VSIP program should receive an invitation to apply. The email will come from vsip@wku.edu and will be distributed on September 3rd, 2024. The email will contain a link to the online application. The deadline to apply is October 18th, 2024. If you believe you are eligible to participate and did not receive an invitation to apply, please contact vsip@wku.edu.

The Application and Consideration Period for the VSIP begins on September 3rd and ends on October 18th. Eligible employees may apply by submitting the VSIP Application. To be considered for the VSIP, an employee’s VSIP Application and Waiver and General Release Agreement must be completed and submitted electronically no later than 5:00 PM CT on October 18th, 2024.

To participate in this program employees must complete a VSIP Application and Waiver and General Release Agreement. In the event that an employee no longer wishes to participate in the VSIP they will need to complete a Revocation Form within 7 days of signing the Voluntary Separation Waiver and General Release Agreement.

All forms will need to be submitted electronically. Should an employee need an accommodation, they can work with HR directly to identify an alternative method of submission.

Staff employees must meet all noted criteria:

  • Completed 20 years of full-time service at WKU as of December 31st, 2024. Service at WKU does not need to be continuous.
  • Actively employed and who currently hold full-time fully budgeted Education and General (E&G) staff positions. This includes positions that may not be identified as "budgeted" (in the FY 2025 Operating Budget) but are nonetheless currently being fully funded by E&G funds.

No. The VSIP offering is focused on employees who hold positions funded by the University’s E&G (Education and General) budget.

1. A lump-sum, one-time payment equal to the employee’s annualized base salary as of Novemebr 30th, 2024. There is not a cap on an employee's annualized base salary. 

NOTE: base salary does NOT include faculty overload pay, summer pay, stipends, temporary rates/salaries, one-time payments, supplements, or endowed or distinguished professor supplements.

For bi-weekly paid employees, base salary is the calculated annual pay based on the employee’s established hourly rate of pay for 1,950 customary hours worked in a fiscal year period.

2. A health insurance allowance for staff who are less than age 65 as of November 30th, 2024.  This allowance is provided to assist VSIP participants with insurance costs before attaining eligibility for Medicare at age 65. Any staff VSIP participant who is age 65 as of December 1st, 2024, is not eligible for the health insurance allowance described in this section. Health insurance coverage shall be the full responsibility of the employee following separation from WKU.  Staff VSIP participants shall retain coverage with the WKU Employee Health Plan (as an active participant) through November 30th, 2024.

The VSIP health insurance allowance is calculated for each staff VSIP participant as follows:

$375 for each month before the month in which the employee attains age 65, as measured from December 1st, 2024. The monthly allowance is calculated in whole months only. The maximum health insurance allowance is $4,500.

Eligible staff who are interested in the VSIP must file an electronic application. The VSIP Application indicates that the employee (applicant) wishes to voluntarily separate from employment at WKU effective November 30th, 2024, in exchange for the VSIP incentive and benefits as described. The Application and Consideration Period begins on September 3rd, 2024, and continues through October 18th, 2024 at 5:00 PM CT. Applications will not be considered after the deadline.

An employee who may wish to withdraw a previously submitted VSIP Application may do so by completing the VSIP Withdrawal Form by October 18th, 2024, at 5:00 PM CT .

An employee who may wish to withdraw a previously submitted VSIP Application and Waiver and General Release may do so by completing the Revocation Form within 7 days post-signature. The receipt of a valid VSIP Revocation Agreement Form will result in the immediate removal of the employee from the VSIP Program. No incentive or benefits as described will be provided to the employee. Employees will receive electronic confirmation of receipt of their VSIP Revocation Agreement Form.

If you have clarifying questions or need additional information, please email vsip@wku.edu or call the Department of Human Resources at 270-745-5360.

Prior to signing the Waiver and General Release, employees are advised to consult with an attorney of their choosing to carefully review VSIP documents and the legal conditions associated with VSIP acceptance.

Similarly, employees are advised to attain information from a financial and tax advisor to fully understand the financial benefits and any implications of accepting benefits of the VSIP. VSIP documents may be downloaded for your convenience of consultation.

Exclusions are based on the needs of the University to continue delivering on its mission of teaching, research, and education as well as funding sources for employee salaries and employment contracts.

After the Revocation Period has ended, VSIP Applications and General Waiver and Releases will be reviewed. Approval or denial communication will follow.

Yes, all faculty and staff are eligible once they meet the eligibility criteria and have not already applied for retirement.

If you submitted written documentation prior to September 2nd, 2024, indicating your intention to resign or retire on a specific date, you are not eligible to take part in the VSIP program.

For retirement related questions, contact the applicable retirement system
o   Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS): 800-618-1687
o   Kentucky Employees Retirement System (KERS): 800-928-4646

Staff are not eligible for re-employment with WKU in any capacity (full-time, part-time, temporary, occasional, etc.) for one year from the separation date, as set forth in the VSIP Plan Documents.  Any future employment at WKU, following the one-year separation date, will be at the Executive Vice President for Strategy, Operations and Finance’s sole discretion and will be limited to part-time positions.

Each eligible employee is invited to evaluate and consider the VSIP, along with its associated benefits, and determine whether the VSIP is a beneficial and desired action. No WKU official/supervisor can require or direct any eligible employee to apply for the VSIP or prohibit them from doing so. Submitting an application to participate in the VSIP is a voluntary employee-initiated action only.

As authorized by the University President, the VSIP will be administered by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (Dr. Bud Fischer) and the Executive Vice President for Strategy, Operations and Finance (Ms. Susan I. Howarth). In consultation with the University President, these two senior leaders will have responsibilities for VSIP communication and administration, validating employee eligibility and providing final approval of employees into the VSIP.

Approved staff VSIP participants are not limited in any way (by WKU) in terms of employment with another employer after November 30th, 2024. Individuals who are retiring through KERS or TRS are advised to consult with the retirement system about any implications/limitations prior to acceptance of another position so that retirement benefits are not impacted.

Approved staff VSIP participants will be expected to work through the separation date of November 30th, 2024.  

Yes, approved VSIP participants may continue the use of vacation and sick leave as established in current Medical Leave and Vacation Leave policies.

Employees who are eligible to receive pay for unused vacation leave upon separation will receive the payment on the last regularly scheduled payroll of January 2025.


WKU, at its discretion, may amend or terminate the VSIP Program, provided that such amendment or termination will not change any rights or interests of any eligible employee who may have made a qualified election under the Program prior to such amendment or termination.

Because the VSIP incentive and benefits payment will be paid in January 2025 (after the official date of separation/retirement November 30th, 2024), deferrals/contributions cannot be made to such accounts. Employees who have an interest in additional savings may wish to increase their contributions to their accounts in the months prior to November 30th, 2024.

Payment of the VSIP incentive and the health insurance allowance will be paid to staff VSIP participants on the last scheduled payroll for January 2025.

The incentive payment is a one-time, lump-sum cash payment equivalent to 100% of the qualified person's base salary as of the separation date. Any VSIP payment will be subject to required payroll deductions, including applicable federal and state taxes and any other legally required deductions.

Staff who meet the current emeritus qualifications as outlined in the policy may be granted emeritus status.

Separation dates took into account WKU’s operational and academic needs, and the responsibilities that both faculty and staff typically have throughout the semester. The different timelines are designed to balance the needs of the institution with the unique nature of staff and faculty roles.

Please update your address in TopNet under “personal Information”. If your address changes after your separation date, please email human.resources@wku.edu.

Those who take the necessary steps to obtain retirement status shall keep their WKU email as a retiree. Otherwise, emails will be deactivated 30 days from the separation date. 

Those who take the necessary steps to obtain retirement status may keep their parking permit, provided it is paid for in full.  If a permit has been paid in full by cash, check, or card, permits can be returned to Parking and Transportation Services (PTS) for a prorated refund. Permits paid for by payroll reduction can not be refunded due to payroll tax implications. Those separating the University shall return their parking permit to PTS. Parking permits are deactivated for inactive employees. 



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 Last Modified 9/16/24