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WKU President's Cabinet

WKU President's Cabinet

The President's Cabinet is comprised of the University President and senior administrators who are listed below. These individuals report to the President and are responsible for working together to determine University policy and provide strategic leadership and oversight of all functions of the institution.

Members are:

Dr. Timothy C. Caboni, President

Ms. Andrea Anderson, General Counsel

Mr. Michael Crowe, Jr. , Director, Student Conduct and Institutional Opportunities for Enrollment and Student Experience-- Title IX Deputy Coordinator/Investigator

Dr. Robert Fischer, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Mr. John-Mark Francis, Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management, Assistant Vice President for Marketing and Brand Strategy

Ms. Susan Howarth, Executive Vice President of Strategy, Operations and Finance

Dr. Molly Kerby, Assistant Provost for Institutional Effectiveness & Engagement, Professor of Sociology

Dr. Jenni Redifer, Interim Associate Provost for Research and Graduate Education

Mr. Bryan B. Russell, Chief Facilities Officer

Dr. Martha Sales, Vice President of Student Experience and Dean of Students

Ms. Jennifer Breiwa Smith, Assistant Vice President for Government and External Relations

Mr. Todd Stewart, Director of Athletics

Ms. Amanda L. Trabue, Vice President for Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement

WKU University Ombuds Officers:

The Ombuds Officers serve as an available information source and point of communication for students, faculty and staff who believe they may have a personal grievance regarding an alleged violation, misinterpretation or improper application of university policies and procedures or alleged improper treatment.


Student Ombudsperson:

Ms. Emmeline Essler

Student Success Coordinator

(270) 745-2683



Faculty Ombudsperson:

Ms. Michelle Jones

COHH 4102

(270) 883-1336



Interim Staff Ombudsperson:

Jordan Ray

Potter Hall 216

(270) 745-6451



 Last Modified 2/4/25