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Student Conduct | Staff- Michael P. Crowe, Jr.

Michael Crowe


   Michael P. Crowe, Jr.  


    Office: 425 Potter Hall
    Phone: (270) 745-5429
    Website: http://www.wku.edu/studentconduct

    Pronouns he/him/his






Mr. Michael P. Crowe, Jr. was named the first Director of The Office of Student Conduct (formerly Judicial Affairs) at Western Kentucky University  on April 1, 2008.  Mr. Crowe is a graduate of Western Kentucky University (1997 and 2000). Mr. Crowe has spent the last 21 years serving in many leadership aspects of the wide umbrella known as Student Affairs.  In 1995 he joined the Residence Life Staff at WKU becoming an Assistant Hall Director on staff.  In 2002 Mr. Crowe joined Virginia Tech, where he served as the Assistant Director of Judicial Affairs.  Mr. Crowe next served as the Associate Director of Residence Life in 2003 for the Office of Housing and Residential Education at Vanderbilt University.

His career in Student Affairs came full circle, when he rejoined the staff at WKU as the Director of Student Conduct.  In November of 2013 Mr. Crowe was appointed as a Deputy Title IX Coordinator for the University and currently serves as an investigator. In addition to his role as the Director of Student Conduct, he is also responsible for managing the day-to-day procedures associated with the University's Title IX investigations with a particular emphasis on investigating alleged cases of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and intimate partner violence involving students.

Under the direction of the President of Western Kentucky University, Mr. Crowe also serves as the Director of Institutional Opportunities for Enrollment and Student Experience. He shares the responsibility with Dr. Molly Kirby (Director of Institutional Effectiveness & Engagement for Academic Affairs) providing vision, leadership, and counsel on efforts related to establishing diversity, equity and inclusion throughout the WKU community.

Mr. Crowe is committed to WKU  and the Mission of preparing students to be productive, engaged, and socially responsible citizen leaders of a global society.


Choose right over wrong, ethics over convenience, and truth over popularity...This is the path of integrity-


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 Last Modified 3/19/24