located in the Transfer Center
- (270) 745-2178
- finish@wku.edu
WKU Downing Student Union (DSU), Room 2135
1906 College Heights Blvd.
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Paying for School
One of the most common challenges for adults attending college is the cost. Below are a few cost-saving options to consider.
Save money and time:
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
Adults often have difficulty scheduling school around work and family obligations. CLEP is a cost-effective, time-efficient option available for all WKU students to get credit for many 100-and 200-level classes. Exams are 90-minutes, multiple choice--no essay questions.
Review study guide, take 1 multiple choice test
*The CLEP Study Guide is $25 and has modules for all 32 exams given at WKU. Practice tests are also available for free at CLEP's website: https://clep.collegeboard.org/. Students can also stop by the Counseling and Testing Center to pick up study guides for individual tests.
Before registering for a CLEP test, please review policy changes effective 8/24/2015 on the WKU Testing Webpage.
Sharon Ercey, Coordinator of Testing
Potter Hall 409
(270) 745-3159
email: sharon.ercey@wku.edu
For a student testimonial click here.
Free Tuition for Senior Citizens
In accordance with KRS 164.284, Kentucky residents who are 65 years of age or older are granted free tuition for any undergraduate or graduate college class in which they enroll for credit or to audit. Individuals must be 65 years of age or older on or before the first day of the semester in which they enroll. Senior students are still responsible for paying any course fees, such as lab fees, and for purchasing their textbooks. Seniors must apply for admission to the university, which can be done online. For additional information contact Adult Learner Services at (270) 745-2178 or finish@wku.edu.
For a student testimonial click here.
Grants & Scholarships
To check your eligibility for financial assistance from the federal government be sure to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Assistance (FAFSA) form online. Have your most recently filed income tax return papers ready and go to http://www.fafsa.ed.gov and follow the directions. You will be prompted to choose WKU as the school to receive your information. Receiving funds can take 6-8 weeks.
If you are a current or admitted WKU student click here for a tutorial on checking your Financial Aid Status.
Here are a few local financial aid opportunities that we know of, please be sure to check back periodically for updates:
- Community Services Block Grant: Community Action of Southern Kentucky, Inc. accepts applications each spring for the annual Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Scholarship. The CSBG Scholarship helps provide training or retraining required for the local job market. The CSBG Scholarship is open to Barren River area residents who are income-eligible individuals wanting to return to school or continue their education. Scholarship benefits can be applied to fees, tuition, or textbooks at a college/university, vocational/technical school, or trade/professional program. For more information contact the Community Action office in your county http://www.casoky.org/locations .
- Go Higher Grant: The Go Higher Grant gives adults age 24 or older up to $1,000 for one academic year when they enroll in a participating Kentucky college or university and take less than six hours of courses. The award covers tuition and a book allowance of $50 per credit hour. http://www.kheaa.com/website/kheaa/gohighergrant?main=2