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The minor in African American Studies will help you develop career-ready skills:

  • Conduct Research
  • Analyze and Synthesize Materials and Ideas
  • Engage in Critical Thinking
  • Write Well and Communicate Effectively
  • Understand and Identify How Society and Culture Shape Human Relations

What post-graduate opportunities are there in the field of AFAM Studies?

Many of our graduates have gone on to graduate school in fields such as African and Afro-American studies, education, history, political science, public health, industrial relations, urban planning, law, and literature. They have also pursued careers in areas such as teaching, journalism, communications, criminal justice, and community organizing. Our students have captured grants and fellowships with the NYPL, BMRC, and Carnegie, and pursued opportunities with the Peace Corps and Teach for America, to name a few.

Currently, there is no graduate program here at WKU, but here are some graduate schools for continuing an African American, Africana, or African Diaspora Studies Degree.

PhDs can be earned at the following institutions:

Temple, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Harvard, Yale, California at Berkeley, Michigan State, Northwestern, Columbia, Indiana, University of Louisville, and University of Kentucky

Masters Degrees can be earned at the following institutions:

Boston University, Clark Atlanta, Columbia, Cornell, Florida International, NYU, Ohio State, Syracuse, SUNY Albany, UCLA, University of Chicago, Iowa, Louisville, South Carolina, South Florida, Texas at Austin, Wisconsin at Madison, and Wisconsin at Milwaukee.

If you are interested in a minor, classes, or a future in Africana Studies contact, Dr. Andrew J. Rosa, Africana Studies Program Coordinator (andrew.rosa@wku.edu or 270.745.3841).


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 Last Modified 2/27/25