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Initial Teacher Certification Process

Become a Certified Teacher

A Clear Path to Certification.

Becoming a certified teacher through WKU’s Initial Teacher Certification Process is a structured yet flexible journey. Below, you’ll find a clear, step-by-step guide that outlines everything you need to do, from submitting your initial inquiry to completing your certification.

Talk to a Certification Advisor

 Step 1: Candidate Inquiry

Fill out the Proficiency Evaluation Inquiry Form to express interest.

Start Your Application

 Step 2: Admission Application

After an initial review of the inquiry form, the candidate will receive notification to submit the following documents and complete the requirements listed below.

Submit the non-refundable $500 payment and apply to the Graduate School.

  • Submit money order or cashier’s check to:
Office of Professional Educator Services
Western Kentucky University
1906 College Heights Blvd. #61031
Bowling Green, KY 42104
Apply to the Graduate School

 Required Forms for Teacher Certification

Before beginning your journey toward teacher certification, you must complete and submit several important documents. These forms ensure compliance with state regulations and verify your eligibility for certification. Please review the requirements below and follow the submission instructions carefully to avoid delays in processing your application.

All required forms must be downloaded and signed as PDFs before submission. If you need a tool to fill and sign PDFs, you can download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free.

Background Checks

Complete two background checks:

Complete Background Checks

Physical & TB Screening

Complete a physical exam and TB screening using the official form:

Download KDE Physical Form

Code of Ethics

Review and sign the Professional Code of Ethics for KY school personnel.

View Code of Ethics

Letters of Recommendation

Submit three letters of recommendation that highlight your teaching qualities, including creativity, collaboration, and communication skills.

Submission Instructions

Submit the following items in one email:

    • Signed Code of Ethics
    • Physical & TB Screening Form
    • Letters of Recommendation
Email Documents

 Step 3: Praxis II Content Exam Requirements

Required Exams
Initial Certification candidates must pass the Praxis II Content exam(s) before submitting a digital portfolio for committee review.

Passing Scores for Certification
You will need to achieve passing scores on the following exams before being recommended for certification to the Educational Professional Standards Board (EPSB):

  • Praxis II Content Exam(s) for your desired certification area
  • Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) Exam (if applicable)

Registration Links

  • To view and register for the applicable Praxis II Content exam(s) and the PLT exam (if applicable), visit ETS Praxis Requirements for Kentucky.
  • Important: When registering, ensure that both WKU and EPSB are selected to receive your exam scores.

PLT Exam Details

  • The PLT exam is not required for Special Education Learning and Behavior Disorders and Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education certifications.
  • To register for the PLT exam, visit the same ETS Praxis Requirements for Kentucky.
  • Important: When registering, ensure that both WKU and EPSB are selected to receive your exam scores.

 Step 4: Digital Portfolio

Candidates are required to construct an electronic portfolio using a platform such as Google Sites or another approved platform. The portfolio must be well-organized and professional, demonstrating mastery of all the Kentucky Teacher Performance Standards (KTPS) and their subcomponents. Each subcomponent requires 2-4 pieces of strong evidence showing how the candidate has clearly demonstrated each indicator.

Additional Standards for Specific Certifications:

Portfolio Artifacts

Prepare and submit a professional teaching portfolio.

Portfolio Submission

 Step 5: Committee Review

Committee Review

The committee will review all portfolio evidence to assess proficiency and determine a recommendation. The committee’s recommendation will be sent to the Director of the School of Teacher Education following the Proficiency Evaluation Window Review Deadlines.

Semester Submission Deadline Committee Decision
Fall October 1st December 15th
Spring March 1st May 15th
Summer June 1st August 1st

Submission Instructions

Committee Formation and Review

  • The Director of the School of Teacher Education will form a committee and appoint a chairperson to review the portfolio evidence.
  • The committee may interview the candidate as part of the decision-making process. Interviews may be conducted electronically or by phone.

Committee Decision

After reviewing all portfolio evidence, the committee will decide whether to admit the candidate to the proficiency evaluation program. The decision will be documented using the Committee Review Decision form.

  • If not recommended for admission: Candidates will be referred to apply for admission to the appropriate traditional route program. For more information, visit the School of Teacher Education Programs.

  • If recommended for admission: An Educator Learning Plan (ELP) will be created, outlining the requirements needed to complete the program.

Educator Learning Plan (ELP)

  • The Educator Learning Plan will be sent to the candidate for acceptance and will be submitted to the Director of the School of Teacher Education for approval.
  • The Educator Learning Plan will include at least three hours for the required practicum class. Additional coursework or fieldwork may be requested by the committee based on the portfolio review.
  • All additional coursework/fieldwork must be completed at WKU.

Completion Timeline

  • The candidate will have up to two years to complete the ELP requirements, including any required Praxis II exams and the PLT exam (if applicable).

  • Upon agreement and signature of the ELP by the candidate, the candidate will be admitted to the OELE (EPSB).

Eligibility for Employment

  • A letter will be issued stating the candidate is eligible for employment as a candidate in WKU’s Proficiency Evaluation program.

Temporary Provisional Certificate

  • If a school district wishes to hire the candidate, they may apply for a one-year temporary provisional certificate. This certificate is renewable for one additional year while the candidate completes the ELP requirements.
  • The Proficiency Evaluation timeline cannot exceed two years from the date of ELP approval.

 Step 6: Field/Clinical Experience

Practicum Course Requirement

All initial certification candidates must complete a minimum of one practicum course. Additional coursework or fieldwork may be required based on the Educator Learning Plan (ELP).

Student Teaching Practicum

  • All initial certification candidates are required to complete a student teaching practicum through the appropriate practicum course for the certification they are seeking.

Special Arrangements for Full-Time Teachers

  • For candidates who are teaching full-time with a temporary provisional certificate, special arrangements are made to allow them to meet clinical program requirements in their own classroom setting.

Clinical Requirements for Non-Full-Time Teachers

  • For candidates who are not teaching full-time, WKU will secure an appropriate school to complete the necessary clinical requirements.

 Step 7: Program Exit & Certification

Completion of the Educator Learning Plan

Upon successful Completion of the Educator Learning Plan, the committee chairperson will evaluate the plan and confirm that all components have been satisfactorily completed, including:

  • The Practicum Course
  • Clinical Experience

Proficiency Evaluation Exit Form

The chairperson will submit the Proficiency Evaluation Exit Form to the Office of Professional Educator Services (OPES).

Exiting the WKU Proficiency Evaluation Program

Once the exit form is submitted, the candidate will be officially exited from the WKU Proficiency Evaluation program and may begin the application process for certification.

Certification Application

  • The candidate will complete the CA-1 application for certification.
  • OPES will upload both the Proficiency Evaluation Exit Form and the CA-1 application to OELE (EPSB) on behalf of the candidate.


Gary A. Ransdell Hall, Office 1092

1906 College Heights Blvd. #11030,
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1030

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 Last Modified 2/12/25