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Thermal Conductivity

Thermal Conductivity

AMI uses a TA Instruments DTC-300.

Thermal conductivity measures the ability of a material to transfer heat. The DTC-300 is a guarded heat flow meter that can measure the thermal conductivity over a wide range of temperatures. It employs one calorimeter module for the measurement of thermal conductivity, and a side guard furnace to prevent edge heat loss. The contact resistance is minimized by applying a pneumatic load to the test stack, and by using a thermally conductive interface compound. It can measure the thermal conductivity of a variety of materials, including polymers, ceramics, composites, glasses, rubbers, some metals, and other materials of low to medium thermal conductivity. Non-solids, such as pastes or liquids, can be tested using special containers.

For a sample, we need: 50 mm (diameter)× 25mm (thickness) max or liquid

Temperature Range -20°C to 300°C
Thermal Conductivity Range  0.1 to 40 W/mK; Accuracy: ± 3% 
Thermal Resistance Range 0.0005 to 0.05 m2K/W; Reproducibility: ±1 - 2% 


Typical Methods:

  • ASTM E1530


 Last Modified 3/18/25