Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectroscopy
AMI uses a ThermoScientific iCAP PRO. This instrument has the ability of axial and radial viewing of the torch.
Typical samples that are analyzed by ICP-OES are liquids (solid samples can be digested into a liquid form). The liquid is then pumped through a nebulizer to produce a fine spray. The small spray droplets then pass through to the plasma.
The solvent is evaporated and the residual sample decomposes into atoms and ions. These atoms and ions are excited by the electrical Radio Frequency (RF) generated plasma, which is at a temperature of approximately 9000K (8726°C or 15740°C). When these excited atoms and ions relax to a lower energy state, they emit a set of wavelengths of light that is unique for each element. The intensity of the light is measured and corresponds to the concentration of the element in the original sample.
Typical methods include:
- EPA 200.7
- EPA 200.8
- ASTM D6357
- ASTM D3682
- ASTM D7303