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Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction (SC-XRD)

AMI uses a Bruker D8 Quest for single crystal x-ray diffraction.

Single crystal X-ray diffraction is an analytical technique which provides detailed information about the internal lattice of crystalline substances, including unit cell dimensions, bond-lengths, bond-angles, and details of site-ordering. The data generated from the SC-XRD can also be used to obtain the actual crystal structure.

A single crystal is captured on a pin and placed within the instrument. The crystal is then hit with x-rays, and the x-ray scattering allows the SC-XRD to determine the 3-dimensional position of every atom in the structure. For chiral compounds, SC-XRD may be used to determine the absolute configuration of the structure. 

This technique may be applied to a wide range of crystalline substances including minerals, inorganic materials, ceramics, metal alloys, drugs, and organic materials. 

Type of X-ray tube Mo IµS TIS
Crystal size 10 - 120 µm
Resolution 0.75 Å
Axis Range
2theta +148° to -159°
Omega -270° to +270°
Detector 30 - 240 mm
Kappa -175° to +175°
Phi n x 360°
Overall sphere of confusion        <7 µm


Diffraction pattern





 Last Modified 3/18/25