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Applied Research & Technology Program


Powering Student-Centered Applied Research at WKU



The ARTP Centers and Institutes are staffed by undergraduate and graduate students under the supervision of Western Kentucky University faculty and staff.


ARTP provides a mechanism by which students can transition into the workforce or graduate education.


The Applied Research and Technology Program (ARTP) is a multidisciplinary program consisting of 13 scientific and service-oriented Centers and Institutes designed to prepare students for the knowledge-based 21st Century global economy.

These Centers meet the research and technical needs of the community, state and nation while providing unique opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to transition from academia to the workplace or graduate programs through participation in supervised, hands-on applied research and technological projects. Students grow intellectually and professionally through participation in these activities.

Each Center operates within a cooperative and interdisciplinary framework to apply state-of-the-art science toward finding cost effective solutions to environmental and health issues and to the technological problems of government and industry. The ARTP program serves as a catalyst for economic development in the region and beyond.

This program is supported by the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education, and through grants and contracts obtained by Centers and Institutes. The ARTP is aligned with the five focus areas identified in the Commonwealth’s Science and Innovation Strategy completed in 2012.


Welcoming Our Newest ARTP Center, SKYCAM!

Learn About the mission and goals of the newest ARTP center, the Southern Kentucky Center for Advanced Microscopy by visiting our center's new page.



The ARTP program serves as a catalyst for economic development and stimulation in the local regions and areas nationwide to better industry.                                                   
ARTP provides cost-effective scientific solutions through technological and environmental services. 



 Last Modified 11/6/23