Environmental Education Endorsement
NOTE: The EE Endorsement is 12 credit hours and can be integrated into most graduate programs. Two required courses and two electives comprise the program. Environmental Education courses may also be taken by those not seeking the EE Endorsement.
WHAT IS THE EE ENDORSEMENT?The Environmental Education (EE) Endorsement provides persons interested in environmental education with the opportunity to have training that meets national standards developed by the North American Association for Environmental Education. These standards have been adopted by the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board.
The EE Endorsement is 12 credit hours and can be integrated into most graduate programs. Two required courses and two electives comprise the program.
The EE Endorsement allows persons with a teaching certificate to add this to their teaching certificate. (Link to advising form)
An elementary, middle school, secondary major that has their initial teaching certificate may take the endorsement at any one of the following levels:
• Master's Degree
• Fifth Year Program
• Rank I Level
• As a separate program just for the purpose of completing the endorsement
Graduate students who are interested in environmental education may take classes to meet individual needs within a personal or professional development program, to fill a specific set of skills, or to meet elective requirements.
What two courses (6 hours) are required for the EE Endorsement and when are they offered?
ENVE 520 - Introduction to Environmental Education
This course will provide students with an introduction to the field of environmental education, including basic history and philosophy, methodologies, resources for educators, and current trends in the field. (3 hour course)
ENVE 580 - Instructional Strategies in Environmental Education
This course is designed to assist classroom teachers and other formal and non-formal educators to improve their understanding of the natural and cultural environment. In addition, it provides participants with opportunities to learn how to utilize the environment in their instructional programs. Specific attention is given to teaching at the early childhood, elementary, middle school and high school levels, specifically as it relates to outdoor and environmental education. Goals, objectives, and teaching strategies associated with environmental education will be reviewed in keeping with the characteristic needs of learners at specific age levels. Emphasis will be placed on the interrelatedness of environmental education with traditional curriculum content areas. (3 hour course) Permission from the instructor is required before registering.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------What other classes (3 hours) are offered that would complete the EE Endorsement?
ENVE 560 - Investigating and Evaluating Environmental IssuesThis course is specifically designed for teachers and other educators. This course focuses on the identification and evaluation of specific environmental issues, leading to possible environmental/service action projects by their students with attention to the potential outcomes of such projects on the physical environment, other humans, and other living things. It will meet on three Saturdays throughout the semester. These dates will be determined at a later date. To learn about past projects such as Rain Barrels, from Fall 2010 click here, and the Spring 09 project, A Hole In The Ground, click here. (3 hour course)
ENVE 585 - Special Topics in Environment Education
This course is designed to address current issues in environmental education. It includes a consideration of special topics to acquint the advanced student with significant problems and developments of current interest in environmental education. (up to 6 hour course - offered when needed) Permission from the instructor is required before registering
EDU 507/GEOG 507 - Geographic Concepts and Skills for Teachers
This course is designed for experienced Social Studies, Earth Science, and Geo-Science teachers. The course will provide up-to-date geographic content, information, and related geographic skills associated with geography core content for the P-12 classroom. (3 hour course)
GEOL 511 - The Dynamic Earth
This is a web-based course in Earth System Science and problem-based learning. The course is primarily designed for in-service high school teachers; however, any teacher or with interests in Earth Science education and problem based learning is welcome to take the course. Students will learn about coral reefs, tropical forests, ozone depletion and climate change from an Earth System Science perspective. (3 hour course)
REC 532 - Environmental Education Resources
This course provides experiential learning about environmental education resources. Emphasis is placed on knowledge of both natural and cultural environments. Field experiences required and students are required to provide their own means of transportation to field sites. (3 hour course)
REC 434g - Environmental Interpretation
This course provides a framework for individual professional growth within the broad range of skills and philosophies of environmental interpretation. It includes a study of nature trail design and preparation, live and inanimate exhibit design and preparation, resource inventory, building, exhibit material purchase, vandalism, and other problems related to the development of nature oriented areas and facilities. (3 hour course)
ELED/MGE/SEC 570 - Workshops: Environmental Education
This course is a workshop offered on a selected topic or issue in environmental education. (1-3 hour course - offered as needed)
PLEASE NOTE: Additional courses may be added to a student's graduate program in environmental education with approval from both the student's adviser and the Coordinator of the EE Endorsement.
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