Environmental Educator is Nuturing Wildlife
- Patrica Sowell
- Thursday, March 15th, 2012
Click here for image gallery of FFA Club ditributing and mounting duck boxes.
Scott Cronin received his Environmental Education Endorsement at WKU. He currently teaches Agriculture at N. Muhlenberg High School. Scott is very dedicated to improving habitat and safe nesting for wood ducks. For several years he has led his Agriculture classes in making wood duck nesting boxes. On March 5, 2012, this is what Scott has to say. "Today was the day to hang a few boxes here local in the county....so 32 boxes later we made it back to school...Students not only build the boxes but also hang them...Thanks to Muhlenberg County School District for always supporting me in allowing events like this to happen...Students have built and or put out over 200 boxes this year!"
Project Description: Students worked with a partner in building a nesting box to be mounted in the local community around ponds, lakes, swamps, reclaimed mining sites, and other watersheds. The project is to help improve a habitat for the wood ducks to have more nesting areas. Students researched wood ducks, their habitat, organizational efforts for waterfowl, and learned about waterfowl reproduction, habitat, and other characteristics.
Outcomes/Evaluation Brief Description: One of the project outcomes is to show how basic efforts can help improve wildlife and environment along with showing students basic construction skills for projects. Students took ownership of their world to help understand sustainability and how public land can be managed in big and small portions. This project also opened up career opportunities for students. Students found this experience to be fun, rewarding, exciting, practical, realistic, and productive.