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CHHS Scholars Quick Turn-Around Grants

Funding Opportunity: CHHS Scholars Quick Turn-Around Grants (S-QTAGs) are a secondary internal funding mechanism in the WKU College of Health and Human Services (CHHS) Research Pathway for internal funding (Figure 1). These are grants up to a maximum of $6,000 to support the mission and vision of WKU and CHHS as a student-centered applied research university. These grants support faculty, staff, and students to conduct pilot research and participate in research related travel for data collection and project execution. S-QTAG applications should follow QTAGs in the order of internal funding mechanisms (Figure 1). This funding opportunity is designed to build a collaborative team’s research portfolio, and engage and train students to conduct research, especially community-based applied research. Additionally, this funding mechanism will promote a collaborative research team's transition from internal to externally funded research and projects. Ideally, the outcomes of a S-QTAG will be training students to conduct research, development of pilot research data, publication of manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, and submission of a proposal for external funding.


Basic Requirements: S-QTAGs require that two or more faculty from two or more CHHS units, Departments/Schools/Applied Research Centers, participate on the project team. There must be at least two faculty collaborators on all S-QTAGs, a PI and Co-PI from CHHS. Proposals are encouraged that include faculty and staff from other colleges at WKU. This funding mechanism also requires that a minimum of two or more CHHS students participate in significant roles on the project team.  These roles must be identified in the S-QTAG application.  Students from other WKU colleges are encouraged to participate on S-QTAG project teams. A basic requirement of a S-QTAG is that a CHHS tenured or tenure track faculty member must be on the grant application in the role of Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI). Also, there must be a CHHS faculty/staff member in the role of Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI).  A faculty member may serve as the PI on only one S-QTAG application each academic year. However, an individual may be a Co-PI or Co-I on a maximum of two S-QTAG applications. To apply for a S-QTAG the research team will complete the application document and budget, provided at the links at the bottom of the page, then submit these items to chhs.research@wku.edu. Each application must be accompanied by a budget template spreadsheet. Please email chhs.research@wku.edu with questions about the application process. S-QTAG project funds will be managed by the PI and Co-PI of the grant and spent by May 15th of the academic year (July 1 to June 30). The project team will decide the timeline within the academic year for project implementation. Likewise, the PI should email Dr. Taylor at chhs.research@wku.edu to express intent to apply and check on the availability of funds.


Source of Funding and Purpose: The S-QTAG program is funded by CHHS research indirects funded through Facilities & Administrative (F&A) costs accrued through the external grants and contracts. A total S-QTAG funding limit will be set for each academic year. The total funding available for FY (Fiscal Year) 2025 is $30,000. Once these funds are expended the S-QTAG grant opportunity will be closed. The primary purpose of S-QTAGs is to develop collaborative research teams within CHHS that can transition their research to externally funded grants and contracts, engage and train WKU students in research, especially community-based applied research, and work with a CHHS Applied Research Center or look to develop such capacity.


Supported Research Activities and Costs: Examples of S-QTAG funded activities are further development of collaborative pilot research projects, funding for research equipment and completion of pilot research, purchase of lab supplies for the research project, costs associated with research surveys, and/or incentives for quantitative/qualitative human subjects-based research.  Funds may also be used to support student research assistant(s), materials and supplies, travel/shipping/other expenses to conduct research/creative activity, and may be used for the dissemination of research/creative activity. Requests for conference travel should not be included in the S-QTAG application. This expense should be requested in a standard QTAG application or other funding mechanism through the Department/School and/or College.


Funding Limit and Cycles: S-QTAG applications will be accepted each month beginning July 1st of each academic year until November 30th of the Fall semester. Applications must be submitted by the last day of the month. Awards will be made by the 15th of the following month.  This is a rolling application period beginning July 1st and ending November 30th each academic year.  No S-QTAG applications will be accepted after November 30th within the academic year. All funds must be spent by May 15th of the academic year.  A S-QTAG budget will be established each year by the CHHS Dean's Office .  Once this budget is expended the S-QTAG funding mechanism will be closed.


Status Report and Project Completion: A three-page status report of the S-QTAG-funded project is due to the CHHS Office of Research via email at chhs.research@wku.edu by June 30th of the academic year. The report must include a summary of results, research outcomes, impact, and the timeline for submission of a proposal for external funding of research that identifies the funding agency and funding mechanism. All funds for the project must be spent by May 15th of the applicable academic year. Please work with the CHHS Research Office to set the final timeline for the project.


Proposal Review Process: A team of at least two faculty members from the CHHS Research and Creative Activities Council and/or directors of CHHS Applied Research Centers will review each S-QTAG application. The CHHS Faculty Fellow for Research will review and score the application, as well. Each S-QTAG application will be reviewed using the S-QTAG scoring rubric. The PI will be provided with the average rubric score, recommendations for the project, and the decision to fund or not. Applicants can edit and resubmit applications that do not meet the minimum rubric score.


Budget Tracking and Spending: It is the responsibility of the PI to track spending and ensure all expenditures are documented on the S-QTAG Budget and Spending Request Form.  Please be aware that you will be required to submit this form to the Department/School Office Coordinator for every purchase/expenditure and to track each purchase/expenditure.  Note that no purchases or expenditures can occur until you have IRB approval, if needed, and the letter has been submitted to the CHHS Faculty Fellow for Research at chhs.research@wku.edu. Otherwise, purchases will be denied if the purchase/expenditure is not tracked on the form. Track each purchase or expenditure to the awarded budget.  Refer to your S-QTAG proposal budget for your total amount.  Also, if you have questions regarding expenditures please collaborate with your Office Associate and you may contact the CHHS Budget and Grants Manager. 


chhs research pathway

Figure 1. CHHS Research Pathway


CHHS S-QTAG Application

Excel Budget Template 

CHHS S-QTAG Scoring Rubric

CHHS S-QTAG Standard Operating Procedure

S-QTAG Budget and Spending Request Form


Some of the links on this page may require additional software to view.

 Last Modified 8/9/24