Cornerstone Program
Cornerstone Program
The Cornerstone Program provides academic assistance to incoming first-year students as they transition to Western Kentucky University. This initiative is required for students who:
1. Placed into two or three supplemental courses in math, reading, or writing, and
2. Obtained an unweighted high school GPA below 3.0.
Students will collaborate with faculty, staff, and peers to develop crucial academic skills. By the end of the program, students will possess an understanding of institutional structures and campus resources.
Program Requirements

Students will participate in a one-time orientation during the second week of the fall or spring semester to learn more about the Cornerstone Program. Specific dates and times will be communicated to students through their TopperMail email account.

Students will take two or three supplemental courses in math, reading, or writing during their first year at WKU. Academic advisors are trained to identify and schedule these courses during regular advising appointments. Refer to the college readiness website for details.

Students will participate in 5th Week Check-In with their academic advisor to discuss their grades and attendance. Refer to the 5th Week Check-In website for additional information. Academic advisors will contact students through their TopperMail email account to schedule the meeting.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Cornerstone Program is an initiative designed to provide support for first-year students at WKU. You’ll collaborate with faculty, staff, and peers during the program to develop crucial academic skills.
First-year students who placed into two or three supplemental courses and obtained an unweighted high school GPA below 3.0 are required to participate. Supplemental courses (MATH 116E, ENG 100E, IDST 199, etc.) include additional credit hours and instructor contact to help you learn the material better. Course placement is based on the unweighted high school GPA or standardized test scores (ACT, SAT, etc.) that you submitted with your admission application. Refer to the college readiness website for more details.
Yes! You’re required to participate if you placed into two or three supplemental courses in math, reading, or writing, and obtained an unweighted high school GPA below 3.0. Refer to the college readiness website for more details.
The Cornerstone Program incorporates a one-time orientation, supplemental courses, and a conversation with your academic advisor during 5th Week Check-In. Review the program requirements section above for additional information.
You'll participate in the program orientation and Fifth Week Check-In during your first semester at WKU. You'll complete the supplemental courses during your first year. After your first semester, you will automatically be removed from the program.
The Cornerstone Program will be listed as your current program and your actual major will be listed as your secondary program in TopNet. This helps your academic advisor ensure you're placed into the correct courses and receive information about the Cornerstone Program. It's simply a recordkeeping strategy. After your first semester, this information will be removed from your account, and your actual major will be listed as your current program.
You’ll receive additional information during your Topper Orientation Program (TOP). We'll also contact you through your TopperMail email account a few weeks prior to the start of the fall or spring semester.
Submit an updated official high school transcript or standardized test scores to the Office of Admissions. Depending on the situation, some or all of the required parts of the Cornerstone Program may be waived.
Please email cornerstone@wku.edu to discuss options and next steps.
The Cornerstone Program provides support and accountability. During the program, you’ll develop crucial academic skills and learn about a variety of campus resources. You’ll also collaborate with faculty and staff who can support your transition and answer questions as needed.
Contact Information
The Cornerstone Program is coordinated by the Advising and Career Development Center.
Downing Student Union (DSU) 2141
1906 College Heights Blvd #11052
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1052
Phone: 270-745-5065
Fax: 270-745-5421
Email: cornerstone@wku.edu
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