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ACT® Test Prep

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All of our ACT® Prep Class options include expert instruction, a proven format, all required course materials, access to diagnostic exams, and online support resources in one convenient, affordable package.

ACT® Prep Classes Offer:

Expert Instructors: Our test prep instructors are highly trained professionals. Our experienced instructors know the ACT® and care about helping you achieve your goal.

Proven Strategies: The curriculum was developed by test-prep experts, who have years
of experience writing test questions and preparing students for success.
Superior Materials: The ACT® Prep Class includes the official preparation guide including practice tests from ACT® and a course workbook.*

Online Support: Our online support package for both in-person and live-online ACT® classes includes access to recordings of all class modules, an instructor-monitored question forum, and online office hours. Access to the student portal which contains these online resources continues through 120 days after your last scheduled day of class, so you will still have support for your independent practice after class is over.

Note: Online office hours are open to any student. Instructors will be on hand to answer any questions. The “drop in” sessions are student-directed; meaning that there will not be a planned presentation each session. Our instructors will answer questions and work through problems in the order that they are received.

Convenient Schedule Options: Classroom Test Prep programs are conveniently held at the Knicely Conference Center in Bowling Green, KY. Live-Online classes provide alternative schedules and the added benefit of taking the class from anywhere in the world.

Value: The course fee includes student course materials, access to online resources, and instruction from a trained professional who cares about your success.

Math Topics
• Practice solution techniques for problems containing variables.
• Learn efficient approaches to complicated multi-step problems.
• Discover tactics for translating difficult word problems into equations.

English Topics
• Identify correct idiomatic speech in sentence correction problems.
• Understand the basic concepts of rhetorical construction.
• Learn which grammar errors are most frequently tested.

Reading Topics
• Understand which part of the passage to read for reading comprehension questions.
• Recognize the difference between global and local test items.
• Identify passages written from the journalistic and engaged perspectives.

Science Reasoning Topics
• Identify parameters for test items involving graphs and charts.
• Interpolate or extrapolate answers from data given in tables.
• Recognize the point of an experiment in research summary items.

General Test Taking Topics
• Use the process of elimination.
• Master time-management skills.
• Minimize test anxiety.
• Identify common distractors.

Students generally take the ACT® during their junior year of high school. This course is ideal for rising juniors that may be taking the test for the first time and for those high school students that have already taken the exam but wish to improve their score.

An important part of any successful test preparation program is taking practice tests. Why then don’t we take practice tests during class?

Because our experience has shown that students perform better when every minute of class time is spent covering new topics. Practice tests are important, but they will be assigned to be taken outside of classroom time. This allows your instructor to cover more topics, and in more depth, than would be possible if practice tests were taken during class.

Practice tests are provided as part of your course materials, and your instructor will indicate when it is most beneficial for you to take them in order to best supplement your work in the classroom

Student Testimonials:

"I have tried taking ACT classes before, but they never helped. I wasn’t expecting to learn much I didn’t already know, but I was wrong. This class has taught me more than I could have ever figured out for myself."

"I liked learning about the different strategies for the test, which I feel will improve my score."

"I think the class was great. I found everything better than I had expected."

Join us for a fun, informative two-hour introduction to the ACT. If you are preparing for college, you probably have some questions about this pre-college admission test. This session will introduce you to the ACT and answer your questions about the topics and kinds of questions you might see on the test. Our experienced instructor will guide you through some sample questions and teach you a few strategies to help you improve your score. Come learn the basics about the ACT. We know you'll get a lot out of this session!

Date: Next Date TBD

Cost:  $24.99

ACT Prep Courses

Prepare for the ACT® at Western Kentucky University Learn strategies to improve your score through our intensive ACT preparation program.

Our ACT Prep Course includes expert instruction, a proven format, all required course materials, access to diagnostic exams, and online support resources in one convenient, affordable package.


 ACT Prep Courses Offer:

Expert Instructors: Our test prep instructors are highly trained professionals. Our experienced instructors know the ACT and care about helping you achieve your goal.

Proven Strategies: The WKU curriculum was developed by test-prep experts, who have years of experience writing test questions and preparing students for success.

Online Support: Our online support package for both in-person and live-online ACT courses includes access to recordings of all class modules, an instructor-monitored question forum, and online office hours. Access to the student portal which contains these online resources continues through 120 days after your last scheduled day of class, so you will still have support for your independent practice after your course is over.

Convenient Schedule Options: In-person Test Prep courses are conveniently held on the campus of Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, KY. Live-Online courses provide alternative schedules and the added benefit of taking the course from anywhere in the world.

Value: The course fee includes all student course materials, access to online resources, and instruction from a trained professional who cares about your success.


The ACT Prep Course includes:

  • Expert classroom instruction
  • Experienced, dedicated instructors
  • Official preparation guide which includes practice tests from ACT
  • Course workbook
  • Thorough presentations and explanations
  • Review of frequently tested topics
  • Access to online support resources


The ACT Prep Course covers:

Test Taking Strategies

  • Use the process of elimination
  • Master time-management skills
  • Minimize test anxiety
  • Identify common distractors

 Quantitative Topics

  • Practice solution techniques for problems containing variables
  • Learn efficient approaches to complicated multi-step problems
  • Discover tactics for translating difficult word problems into equations

Verbal Topics

  • Identify correct idiomatic speech in sentence correction problems
  • Understand the basic concepts of rhetorical construction
  • Learn which grammar errors are most frequently tested
  • Understand which part of the passage to read for reading comprehension questions
  • Recognize the difference between global and local test items
  • Identify passages written from the journalistic and engaged perspectives

Science Reasoning Topics 

  • Identify parameters for test items involving graphs and charts
  • Interpolate or extrapolate answers from data given in tables
  • Recognize the point of an experiment in research summary items


Choose the Format That Works for You!

ACT Prep courses are offered on campus in <<city>> and also live-online, giving you the option to choose the format that works best for you. Our on-campus classroom programs combine the familiar experience of an in-person classroom with convenient online support resources. Live-online courses offer the same great program as the in-person ACT Prep Courses with the added flexibility of attending class from any location. Our virtual classroom provides you with the opportunity to interact in real time with our expert instructors and to re-watch the recordings of your classes at your convenience through 120 days after your last scheduled class session.


Live-Online Office Hours

Weekly live-online office hours provide a convenient way for students to get individualized help with specific questions or concerns. The live-online office hours are free-form meetings open to all participants from both the on-campus and live-online ACT Prep Courses. The sessions are “drop-in” and student-directed, so there will not be a planned presentation for each session. Instead, our instructors will answer questions and work through problems in the order that they are received. 

Online Review System Requirements: The Live-Online ACT® sessions are offered online using Adobe Connect software.  All you need is a high speed internet connection, speakers, and an Adobe Flash Player, which can be downloaded for free.

Check your system for Compatibility

Note: The Adobe Connect plug-in, microphone, and camera are not required or used in the delivery of the online review sessions.

Download Adobe Flash Player

Join us for an informative combined introduction to the ACT and SAT. If you are preparing for college, you probably have some questions about the pre-college admission tests. This session will introduce you to both tests and highlight some of the key similarities and differences between them. Our experienced instructor will guide you through some sample questions and teach you a few strategies. Come learn the basics about the ACT and SAT. We know you'll get a lot out of this free session.


Who Should Attend: 

This free session is open to high school students and their parents. Students who are just beginning to think about college, students who are preparing to take one of the college admission tests, and students who have already taken one of the tests will all get valuable strategies and information out of this hour-long strategy workshop.


ACT® Prep Rally

  • 3/23/2024

In-Person ACT® Prep Courses

  • 7/8/2024

Online ACT® Prep Courses

  • 3/19/2024
  • 5/9/2024
  • 6/3/2024
  • 6/4/2024
  • 7/15/2024
  • 8/1/2024

ACT/SAT Live-Online Strategy Workshops

  • 1/31/2024
  • 2/28/2024
  • 3/20/2024
  • 4/17/2024
  • 5/22/2024
  • 6/26/2024
  • 8/28/2024
Ready to register for one of our ACT Workshops?


See Full Test Prep Schedule

Courses are scheduled around the exam dates.  Select the course that works best for you.



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 Last Modified 7/13/24