Admission To Professional Education
Step 1 - Professional Education Admissions Orientation Meetings
All students who wish to enter WKU’s Professional Educational program must attend a mandatory Orientation Session. This is also a major requirement before being assigned to any school district to complete clinical fieldwork for all School of Teacher Education courses.
Download The Admissions Checklist
This applies to new transfer students in a program leading to teacher certification and students in their first introductory education course.
There are no make-up orientation meetings available during the semester, so please make plans to attend one of these dates. This is a requirement to be admitted in the Professional Education program.
- Students must pre-register for the orientation session they plan to attend. Seating is limited, so register early if possible.
- Attendance will be taken at each session and reported to the instructors of introductory courses.
Step 2 - Tasks To Complete Prior To Orientation.
- Complete Medical Physical/TB Screening (TB skin test only needed if exam indicates risk factors) on the required KY Department of Education Medical Examination of School Employee form. This is located under the “Tuberculosis Risk Factor Assessment” section on the form.
- Complete Criminal Background Check report completed from Verified Credentials Agency
- Complete CAN (Child Abuse & Neglect) check from CAN Check
- If you previously attended an orientation and did not receive a Teacher Education ID badge please email a professional looking headshot along with your campus location to You will receive an email notification when your badge is ready for pick up.
All background check documents need to be uploaded to your Anthology account. You will learn how to create your account at the teacher admissions orientation. If you have not attended an orientation you may register below.
Step 3 - Academic Standing and Testing
- Achieve at least an overall GPA of 2.75
- Submit Passing Praxis CORE (Core Academic Skills for Educator exams)
- Reading minimum passing score: 150
- Writing minimum passing score: 158
- Math minimum passing score: 144
- WKU (code #1901) and the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board KYEPSB (code #7283) should both be listed as score recipients when you register for the exams. ETS charges a $50 fee to send the scores if score recipients are not listed at the time of registration.