Mission Statement
The mission of the Western Kentucky University (WKU) office of Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action/University ADA Services (EEO) is to promote, sustain, and advance an environment that supports principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, and community. Diversity, equity, accessibility, and tolerance encompass the core values of the EEO. We incorporate these values through a proactive stance in assisting the University with the interpretation, understanding, and application of federal and state laws and regulations that impose special obligations in the areas of equal opportunity and affirmative action. Our mission is supported by our commitment to continuously develop, implement, evaluate, and revise (as necessary) action-oriented programs aimed at promoting and valuing diversity in the University's faculty, staff, and student body. EEO facilitates equal access through individualized accommodations, consultations, physical and programmatic access, education, outreach, and review of policies and procedures.