Facebook Pixel Fire/Explosion/Smoke | Western Kentucky University
Plan and Practice Your Escape!


  •  Alert personnel in the immediate vicinity.
  •  Confine the fire if possible to do so without endangering yourself or other personnel:

o   Keep yourself between the fire and an exit while attempting to confine the fire to avoid being trapped. Always maintain a clear escape path for yourself.

o   Close doors, if possible, to prevent spread of smoke or vapors into adjoining rooms and corridors.

o   For flammable liquid spills, shut off ignition sources, if possible. Avoid unplugging equipment due to possible electrical arc between receptacle and plug.

  • If the fire is small, you may wish to use a fire extinguisher. You should know where the nearest two portable fire extinguishers are to your work area. If safe to do so, locate the nearest extinguisher and remember:

o   Do not use fire extinguishers unless you have been trained in their use.

o   Do not use an extinguisher unless you think it is safe to do so.

o   Never enter a smoke-filled room!

o   Never enter a room containing a fire without a backup person being present.

o   Maintain a clear escape path by placing yourself between the fire and an exit.

o   Feel all doors near the top for heat. Do not open a door that is warm to the touch. If the door is cool, kneel as low to the floor as possible before entering the room.

o   Remember "PASS: Pull the pin, Aim at the base of the fire, Squeeze the handle completely, Sweep side to side.  Never turn your back on a fire, even if appears to be out, be aware of possible re-ignition.

  •  If a fire is large enough to activate the fire alarm system, if you are unable to extinguish the fire, or if smoke builds up quickly, evacuate the building.  If the fire alarm has not yet sounded, pull the nearest fire alarm pull station on your way out. Manual fire alarm pull stations are located at the exits of all major buildings. If the alarm does not sound when the pull station is pulled, locate an additional station at your next nearest exit.  If the fire alarm still does not sound, after attempting a second pull station, proceed to alert as many persons as possible on your way out of the building. Call WKU Police at 270-745-2548 or 911 to report the fire.

    Clothing Fires

    Stop the person on fire from running; even from running to a fire blanket.

    Drop the person to the floor to prevent flames and hot gases from rising to the face and head.

    Roll the person to snuff out the flames. Blankets can be effective if brought to the person. Safety showers may be effective if within immediate proximity of the victim.

    Cool the person by removing smoldering clothing that has not adhered to the skin, and by using water and ice packs.

    Get medical assistance.

 Last Modified 10/14/19