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WKU Police Department

WKU Police Department

The Western Kentucky University Police Department is a professional full service agency protecting the WKU Community 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  Our KLEC - POPS certified Officers have full police powers, including arrest powers, under Kentucky Revised Statute 164.955. The agency employ 23 sworn police officers, 9 communications officers, and 1 office coordinator/records staff. The department provides services to the WKU Main Campus and additional properties owned by Western Kentucky University; which includes South Campus, The Center, Lost River Cave and The WKU AG Center.

WKU Police Access Control

WKU Access Control serves under the direction of the WKU Police Department Chief of Police and is responsible for managing all keying systems for WKU campuses. Their office management and staff are dedicated to quality service and strive to provide the safest environment possible to all members of the campus community. For more information, visit https://www.wku.edu/accesscontrol/.

Mission Statement:

To create a safe interactive environment that is conducive to learning. We seek to accomplish this mission by strengthening relationships within the community, developing and evaluating effective responses to identified problems, and maintaining order.

Our Core Values:
  • Integrity
  • Responsibility
  • Commitment

An Accredited Agency

In August of 2019 the WKU Police Department was awarded it's sixth-five year accreditation by the Kentucky Association of Chiefs of Police(KACP). WKU Police was the first University and fourth police department in the state of Kentucky to become accredited by the KACP.

KACP Accreditation                                     "Your Safety is our first Priority"

                                                                                                                       -Mitchell Walker, Chief of Police




          Contact Us

Emergency:                Dial 9-1-1

Non-Emergency:       270-745-2677

Safety Escort:             270-745-3333 

Fax Number:              270-745-5275

Email:               wkupolice@wku.edu                   



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 Last Modified 3/3/25