Message from Provost Fischer - Tornado Relief Effort
- Dr. Bud Fischer
- Wednesday, December 15th, 2021
Dear WKU Faculty and Staff,
First let me thank you! Every time we have asked you to help in this relief effort, you have been there ready to assist in a multitude of ways. The greatest need right now is for immediate financial assistance for students, staff, and faculty who have been impacted by these devastating tornados. This immediate need for the basics, food, clothing, and gas will be best met by supplying the people affected with gift cards. If you are interested in donating a gift card to help with these immediate financial needs, please do so by 2pm on Thursday, December 16th. We would ask you to drop gift cards off at the AHEC office (Academic Complex 408) or the CHHS Dean’s Office (Academic Complex 208) on campus. We recommend that the gift cards be for at least $20, but no amount is too small or big. A suggested list of the type of gift cards needed is below:
- Visa/Mastercard (preferred)
- Gas Cards
- Grocery (Kroger, Meijer, etc.)
- Wal Mart, Target, Amazon