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Severe Weather Alerts and Safe Spaces

WKU Weather Alerts

WKU takes severe weather advisories and warnings very seriously.  In the event of severe weather, if a warning is issued for Warren County, WKU will respond with a campus-wide warning as well.

The most important thing to do in the event of a tornado or other severe weather warning on campus is to proceed calmly and immediately to your designated safe space.  Safe spaces are clearly marked in each building on campus.  If you do not know where your safe space is located, you can find a listing by building located on this website.

WKU will use all our available emergency communication methods to alert campus in the most timely fashion possible, including notifying local media outlets.  If the WKU main campus or any regional campuses will be delayed or closed, we will notify you as soon as possible via these outlets.

We encourage students, faculty and staff to keep up with radar updates and alerts by following the NOAA Weather Radar

The best source of real-time, up-to-date information regarding weather alerts, delays and closings is WKU News.  Please be cautious when obtaining your information via social media that it is coming from a reliable source.

 Last Modified 3/3/23