Kinesiology Graduate Program
M.S. in Kinesiology (0454)
The M.S. in Kinesiology program with a concentration in Exercise Physiology prepares students to pursue various performance, health, fitness, rehabilitation, and research careers. Students looking to further develop their knowledge and skills in the field of kinesiology in preparation for a professional career will do so through relevant coursework, seminars, laboratory experiences, and a research project specific to their interests. Students interested in pursuing a doctoral program will also have the opportunity to engage in faculty-led and self-directed research, in addition to relevant coursework, which will foster the development of advanced methodological and laboratory skills necessary for doctoral level study.
Our program prepares young professionals for a variety of exciting careers in kinesiology.
- Faculty are engaged in federally-funded research agendas
- Students are encouraged to explore their own research interests
- Graduate assistantships are available
- Small class sizes give you the attention you deserve
KIN 501 Research Methods
KIN 503 Advanced Motor Learning and Control
KIN 504 Advanced Exercise Physiology
KIN 512 Advanced Strength and Conditioning
KIN 518 Advanced Statistics in Kinesiology
KIN 522 Advanced Exercise Testing and Prescription
KIN 514 Laboratory Methods
KIN 523 Seminar in Exercise Physiology
KIN 524 Applied Biomechanics
KIN 596 Internship in Exercise Physiology* -OR-
KIN 599 Thesis Research
* Students who chose to complete an Internship instead of a thesis will have to complete a Comprehensive Examination (with both written and oral components) at the end of their final semester in the program.
The admission requirements for the Master of Science in Kinesiology program are as follows:
- A Bachelor’s Degree from a college or university of recognized standing with at least a 2.75 overall GPA
- A Current Resume
- A Statement of Professional Intent
The Statement of Professional Intent should provide a sample of the applicant's writing style and ability. It should be 2-3 typed pages, double-spaced, and is expected to be well organized, clearly written, and error free. It should include an introduction, responses to the three questions below, and a conclusion:
- Why do you want to pursue this degree?
- What related qualifications and/or experiences do you bring to the program?
- What are your career goals after completing the program
Students with undergraduate GPA lower than 3.0 are required to submit 2 letters of recommendation from professors in their major and/or their academic advisor.
- Resumes, Statements, and Letters of Recommendation (if below a 3.0) should be emailed to and should include the full name of the applicant along with their WKU Student ID (if known)
To apply to the Kinesiology - Exercise Physiology concentration (0454), go to the WKU Graduate School wepage.
The Master of Science in Kinesiology with a concentration in Exercise Physiology begins new students only in the fall semester; however, some exceptions may apply. We have a rolling admission deadline and can accept applications through the end of July. However, applicants applying for Graduate Assistant positions must have completed and approved applications to be considered for the position.
Graduate assistantship stipends serve as the primary means of support for many graduate students enabling them to pursue higher degrees and grow professionally through the development and application of discipline-based knowledge. At the same time, the University gains the benefit of assistant-provided, high quality services at reasonable cost. Thus, the graduate assistantship program is mutually beneficial to both the student and the University.
General details about appointments, eligibility, financial assistance, and distinguishing features between different graduate assistantship positions can be found at the link below.
The School of Kinesiology, Recreation & Sport (KRS) offers Graduate Assistantship (GA) positions within the various academic programs. All School of KRS GA’s are assigned to a specific program within the School to assist with the overall functionality of that academic program. This may include teaching and/or research responsibilities, as well as, service-related or general responsibilities.
KRS GA’s are appointed after a rigorous review and competitive selection process. A GA appointment, typically for one year, is contingent upon admission into a degree program, the programmatic needs of the School, and allocation of funds for the position.
Students wishing to apply for a graduate assistant position must submit the following materials:
- Cover Letter (include previous knowledge/skills and career goals/research interests)
- Resume
- Contact information for 3 professional references
All materials must be submitted electronically using the link below.
- Applications received by March 15th will be given full consideration though the positions will remain open until filled.
- Acceptance into the graduate program isn’t needed to apply for an assistantship, however students must be accepted by the Graduate School before signing the assistantship contract.
Graduate students have many opportunities to offset the costs of completing a Masters in Kinesiology. If a graduate assistantship within the kinesiology program is not available, consider investigating some of the other opportunities across campus:
Contact us for more information.