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Available Courses

Business Essentials For Contractors

Learn about the Contractors Licensing Board, including licensing processes, legal requirements, and industry best practices for building a credible contracting busines

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the mission and goals of the Bowling Green Warren County Contractors Association.
  • Access and obtain applicable permitting, licensing, and inspection requirements for your projects in the region.
  • Explore the benefits of being a member, such as access to industry-specific resources, training and development opportunities, and networking events.
  • Understand the responsibility for general contractors, including sub-contractor's work.

Readings, videos, and podcasts in the mini-course will allow you to gain the knowledge needed to meet the objectives.

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Explore risk management principles for construction contractors. The course covers the basics of types of risk, insurance programs, and tips for dealing with carriers.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the different types of insurance necessary for construction projects.
  • List the steps for filing an insurance claim.
  • Name tips for minimizing risks on construction sites.
  • Describe effective communication strategies with insurance providers.
  • Share best practices for managing construction-related risks.

Readings, videos, and podcasts in the mini-course will allow you to gain the knowledge needed to meet the objectives.

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Learning Objectives:

Readings, videos, and podcasts in the mini-course will allow you to gain the knowledge needed to meet the objectives.

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 Last Modified 9/8/23