Hilltopper Creamery & Farm Market
- Department Chair
- paul.woosley@wku.edu
- EST 268
- 270-745-3151
- http://www.wku.edu/agriculture
- AGRI 175 University Experience
- AGRO 110 Plant Science
- AGRO 111 Plant Science Lab
- AGMC 272/273 Turf Equipment Management/Lab
- AGEC 260 Golf Course Management
- HORT 313 Turfgrass Management
- AGRI 398 Turf Seminar
- HORT 475 Sports Turf Management
- HORT 475 Turf Pest Management
- HORT 675 Plant Ecophysiology
- Nitrogen Rate Effects on Winter Survivability of Bermudagrass
- Traffic Effects on First Year Survivability of Bermudagrass
- Spring Dead Spot Control in Ultradwarf Bermudagrass
- Bermudagrass Control in Tall Fescue Turf
- Industrial Hemp as viable Kentucky Crop
- Evaluation of Animal Waste on Forage Yield and Quality
I’m a South Central Kentucky native from Edmonson County. I grew up on a small family farm where we raised beef cattle, tobacco, and forages. Life experiences with my Grandfathers and Dad fostered my love for Agriculture. I was very active in my local FFA chapter. Today, I sit as permanent member in an advisory role on the Kentucky Turfgrass Council. I work with professional turfgrass managers in the state through this organization. I also am a member of the American Society of Agronomy. This allows me to share research with colleagues throughout the nation and stay up to date on current research trends in my area of study. I have had the pleasure to serve WKU since 2002.
B.S. Agriculture with a Chemistry Minor Western Kentucky University
M.S. Agronomy (Forages)
Ph. D. Crop Science (Turfgrass Science) with a Plant Physiology Minor
Advisory Roles
- Kentucky Turfgrass Council
- Kentucky Sports Turf Managers
- WKU Agriculture Ambassadors
- WKU Turf Club
- Undergraduate and Graduate Students
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