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The MHC HonorsToppers

Jack Littleford
Jack Littleford

Hey there! My name is Jack Littleford and I am a proud MHC Scholar and Honorstopper. My major -at least for now- is exercise science with a concentration in pre occupational therapy and a minor in psychological science. I come from a city called Alabaster located about 30 minutes south of Birmingham, AL. In my free time, I can often be seen running around or near campus, lifting at the Preston Center, playing soccer (the best sport in the world), playing pool, or eating more than anyone around me. 

I came to WKU with the goal of finding a home away from home and spreading my wings, and I have felt truly blessed with where my decision has led me thus far. The Honors college was a standout program while I was searching for college, and it has only impressed me the longer that I have been a member. It truly feels like a tight knit, yet inclusive group of highly motivated and encouraging people; thanks to the friends I have made, the staff that have worked with me, and the upperclassmen reaching out to those in need, I have no doubt that The right choice was made regarding my decision to apply to both WKU and the MHC.

I hope that you can come see us soon through a VIP tour! 

Go Tops!


Instagram: @jacklittleford

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 Last Modified 1/11/24