ID Center
Mission Statement
The mission of the WKU ID Card Office, a division of Enrollment and Student Experience, is to provide essential services in support of the University in administering the following areas: WKU ID Card, Big Red and Dining dollar program, Campus Identification Card Administration, and WKU Dining Services Meal Plan Administration.
How to Reach Us
Downing Student Union 2125 | (270) 745-2417 | idcenter@lists.wku.edu | M-F 8:00 AM-4:30 PM

Learn about the different account options, manage your account, and check your balances.

Report a lost or stolen card and disable access to keep your accounts and building access secure.

Terms and conditions, policies, and frequently asked questions.
There are many uses for your card across campus, including, but not limited to:
Spending Accounts & Meal Plans
Big Red Dollars
Dining Dollars
Meal Plans
Meal Plan Dollars
Flex Plan
Events / Buildings / Materials
Athletic Event Entry
Special Event Entry
Attendance Reporting
Check Out Library Materials
Preston Health & Activities Center
WKU Parking Permits
Computer Labs / Printing
Athletic Tickets
Area Merchants
WKU Dining Locations (F/S)
The WKU Store (F/S)
Residence Hall Entry
Residence Hall Visitation
Check Cashing
The WKU ID Card is the official ID card of all Western Kentucky University students, faculty, and staff.