WKU Records Management - Permanent Records
Permanent Records as Identified in the General Records Schedule
The disposition instruction on the majority of these records is Transfer to University Archives after administrative use has ceased. Additional or alternate dispositions will be listed below. Please contact the WKU Archivist prior to transferring records to University Archives in the Kentucky Building.
- Transfer Instructions
- Kentucky State University Model Schedule
- Historic Records not on General Records Schedule
- Do you have these items?
Series Title | Series No. |
Disposition |
Academic Records of High School Division, Correspondence Study |
U0467 | Retain in Correspondence Studies |
Academic Records (Student's Master or Official File) |
U0401 |
Retain in Registrar's Office |
Audit Reports | U0229 |
Transfer to WKU Archives and retain in creating unit. These records may be uploaded to TopSCHOLAR for permanent electronic retention - contact WKU Archivist for information |
Blueprints, Plans & Specifications for Buildings, Grounds & Landscapes |
U0701 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Bond Documentation |
U0802 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Budget, University Operating |
U0203 |
Transfer to WKU Archives. These records may be uploaded to TopSCHOLAR for permanent electronic retention - contact WKU Archivist for information |
Capital Construction / Building |
U0703 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Capital Construction Disbursements & Receipts |
U0806 |
Retain in Creating Unit |
Capstone Projects |
U0118 |
Transfer to WKU Archives. These records may be uploaded to TopSCHOLAR for permanent electronic retention - contact WKU Archivist for information |
Change of Grade for Students |
U0409 |
Retain in Registrar's Office |
Class Schedule Bulletin |
U0412 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Correspondence (Official) |
U0100 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Correspondence Study Academic Records - High School Division |
U0467 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Course Syllabi | U0415 | Permanent Copy in Academic Council Minutes. Syllabi for individual courses can be destroyed when obsolete under U0418 Curriculum & Instruction |
Deeds / Property Acquired |
U1600 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Deeds / Property Sold |
U1601 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Degree Statistical Reports |
U0420 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Dissertations |
U0118 |
Transfer to WKU Archives. These records may be uploaded to TopSCHOLAR for permanent electronic retention - contact WKU Archivist for information |
Enrollment Statistical Reports |
U0423 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Grade Sheets / Class Lists |
U0432 |
Retain in Registrar's Office |
Grade Statistical Reports |
U0433 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Graduation Lists |
U0435 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Job Classifications |
U0613 |
Retain in Human Resources |
Job Descriptions |
U0614 |
Retain in Human Resources |
Kentucky State Agency / Universtiy Cooperative Publications |
U0117 |
Transfer to WKU Archives, retain copy in creating unit and transfer 3 copies to KDLA |
Ledgers / Journals |
U0817 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Manuals, Operating |
U0103 |
Transfer to WKU Archives and retain copy in creating unit. These records may be uploaded to TopSCHOLAR for permanent electronic retention - contact WKU Archivist for information |
Minutes of Policy-Making Bodies |
U0104 |
Transfer to WKU Archives and retain copy in creating unit |
Minutes, Tapes / Notes |
U0105 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Personnel Policies & Procedures |
U0621 |
Retain in Human Resources |
Photographs |
U0107 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Plans, Blueprints & Specifications for Buildings, Grounds & Landscapes |
U0701 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Police Policy & Procedures |
U1304 |
Retain in University Police Department |
Press Releases |
U0108 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Property Files |
U1603 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Publications of the University |
U0109 |
Transfer 2 copies to WKU Archives and retain copy in creating unit |
Racial/Ethnic/Gender Statistical Reports |
U0110 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Reports, Annual or Summary |
U0112 |
Transfer to WKU Archives and retain copy in creating unit |
Reports, Annual Financial |
U0230 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Reports, Special Studies |
U0114 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Research Projects & Studies, Final Report |
U0115 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Retirement Reports |
U0624 |
Retain in creating unit |
Speeches or Papers Presented on Behalf of WKU |
U0116 |
Transfer to WKU Archives and retain copy in creating unit |
Student Academic Record |
U0401 |
Retain in Registrar's Office |
Student Government Association |
U0452 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Theses |
U0118 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Videotapes / Film |
U0119 |
Transfer to WKU Archives |
Historic Records not listed on General Records Schedule
WKU Archives also accepts historic records and memorabilia that are not listed on the General Records Schedule. A brief list is provided here.
Records, memorabilia, postcards and photographs of and relating to Western Kentucky's founding institutions:
- Bowling Green Business College & Literary Institute
- Bowling Green Business College
- College High School
- Glasgow Normal Institute
- Glasgow Normal School
- Ogden College
- Pleasant J. Potter College
- Rural Training School
- Southern Normal School & Bowling Green Business College
- Training School
- University High School
Selected personal papers and photographs of faculty, staff and alumni of Western Kentucky and any of its founding institutions.
Records, memorabilia, postcards and photographs from student organizations including fraternities, sororities, campus ministries and alumni groups.
Phone: 745-4793
email: archives@wku.edu
Kentucky State University Model Schedule
Transferring Records to WKU Archives
WKU Records Management 101 & Notes
Faculty Records Management 101
Schedule a Consultation / Training Session
Suellyn Lathrop, WKU Records Officer
3rd floor Kentucky Building
Hours: Monday - Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm
Summer Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30 am - 3:30 pm