WKU Records Management - Transferring Records
Transferring Records to WKU Archives
Records with permanent historical, administrative and/or legal value are transferred to the WKU Archives for permanent preservation. Records with a disposition of "transfer to the University Archives" may be transferred after the prescribed number of years. Contact us regarding the transfer of electronic or born-digital documents. Some of these may be candidates for posting on TopScholar for permanent electronic access.
A short list of permanent records is available online.
Please follow these procedures exactly:
Use only records boxes which are available from Cardinal Supply. The box size is 10"H x 12"W x 15"D. Use of larger boxes or non-standard boxes will result in the boxes being returned to the office of origin for reboxing.
1. Submit Request to Transfer Records form.
2. Upon receipt of permission to transfer records, place records in boxes in upright position in the same order as they were arranged in the file drawer. Leave records in their file folders. Pack firmly but allow one inch of free space in the box.
3. Place letter size and legal size folders in the boxes so that they fit naturally. DO NOT SEND HANGING FOLDERS.
4. Place only one records series in each box.
5. Type or print neatly TWO copies of each label. STAPLE a label in the upper right corner of each end of the box above the handle. DO NOT USE TAPE.
6. Fill out the box label items as indicated below:
Office or Department
Title of Records: Title of records should be written exactly the same as it appears on the records retention and disposition schedule.
Series Number as shown on general schedule.
Beginning and Ending Date of records in this box.
Box Contents: Brief description of records in this box.
Box Number: 1 of 1, or 1 of 5, etc. When sending more than one series at a time the second number is critical to putting the boxes in order when they arrive in WKU Archives.
Name, phone and email of person sending boxes.
7. Make arrangements to deliver boxes to WKU Archives, Kentucky Building, 5-4793 Monday - Friday between the hours of 9 and 4.
Due to limitations in space, records that are sent to WKU Archives ahead of schedule will be returned to the office of origin.
Send no more than 2 copies of university or university related publications to WKU Archives. Additional copies will be returned to the office of origin.
email: archives@wku.edu
Kentucky State University Model Schedule
Transferring Records to WKU Archives
WKU Records Management 101 & Notes
Faculty Records Management 101
Schedule a Consultation / Training Session
Suellyn Lathrop, WKU Records Officer
3rd floor Kentucky Building
Hours: Monday - Friday 8 am - 4 pm