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WKU MBA Admissions Requirements

Admission Requirements

The admission process for the MBA program at Western Kentucky University involves the following steps and requirements1:

  • Completion of Graduate School admission application and a current resume with two references listed.
  • Applicants seeking admission must meet the following criteria:
    • minimum undergraduate overall grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale
    • and 3 to 5 years of professional exempt-level experience since graduating from college (Exceptions may be made for applicants with 2 years of post-college professional experience who completed at least 1 internship during their undergraduate studies.)

While internships and CO-OP positions are valuable, they are not considered equivalent to professional work experience. 

  • Applicants who have limited prior academic background in basic business may be required to demonstrate proficiency in major areas (Economics, Excel, Statistics, Finance or Accounting) by successfully completing by taking one or more preparatory courses as specified by the MBA Director.

1 These minimum requirements establish eligibility for admission, but do not guarantee acceptance.

WKU campus with cherry blossoms.

WKU MBA has a Rolling Admissions Process

Once we receive your Graduate Application, resume, and transcripts, we will process your application in approx. 5 days. We cannot process your application until you have furnished ALL of the information above required for admission to the WKU MBA program. This includes your official transcripts. 

If you are interested in earning an MBA from WKU, apply today.

Application Forms:

Domestic (US) students

Fill out the Online Admission Application

Important Notice for International Student Applicants:

International students have a different application process due to international student admissions requiring additional coordination and interpretation of materials which are often in a foreign language. Admission deadlines are also earlier for this reason. Visit the Office of Graduate School website for TOEFL and language information. 

The MBA program at WKU is offered 100% online. This program does not qualify for student visas. For further details, please refer to the graduate catalog section for clear information regarding eligibility requirements.

Mail the International Student Graduate Application (PDF) to the Office of Graduate Studies


  • 270-745-2854
  • mba@wku.edu
  • Dean Suite- By Appointment Only
    1906 College Heights Blvd #11056
    Bowling Green, KY 42101



The Gordon Ford College of Business is a top business school with dual AACSB accreditation in both business and accounting programs.

 Last Modified 6/19/24