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Student and Alumni Publications

Student and Alumni Publications

 Knopf, A., Agot, K., Sidle, J., Naanyu, V., & Morris, M. (2014). "This is the medicine:"  A Kenyan community responds to a sexual concurrency reduction intervention. Social Science & Medicine 108, 175-184.

Gross, S. (2012). Nurses must wear many hats. Kentucky Nurse, 61(1), 4.

Appling, E. (2011). Research Critique of "Registered nurses' attitudes towards the role of the healthcare assistant" by Alcorn & Toppin. Kentucky Nurse, 59(4), p.6

Dotson, C. (2011). Notes on nursing: A book review. Kentucky Nurse, 59(3), p. 3.

Peech, M. (2011). Reflections on Haiti and its resilient people. Kentucky Nurse, 59(1), p. 5.

Spradlin, G. (2011) . Reflections on nursing in a juvenile detention center. Kentucky Nurse, 59(1), p. 6.




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 Last Modified 7/14/23