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Recreation Administration Major

Like the sound and content of this course? Consider earning the WKU Recreation Administration degree.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, career opportunities are growing faster than average for graduates in Recreation Administration. Graduates may find employment opportunities in the following areas:

  • Campus Recreation
  • Commercial Recreation
  • Environmental and Outdoor Education
  • Military Recreation (MWR)
  • Municipal Parks and Recreation
  • National and State Parks
  • Nonprofit Agencies
  • Sport-Related Agencies
  • Travel and Tourism

Program of Study

The major in Recreation Administration requires 48 hours and leads to a Bachelor of Science degree. In addition to core and elective courses in the major, all majors are required to complete a minimum of 150 pre-internship volunteer or paid contact hours in the field. The capstone experience of the degree is a 12 credit hour internship (480 hours).

Learn More

To learn more about the Recreation Major, please visit: http://www.wku.edu/recreation/

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(270) 745-2498


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 Last Modified 12/3/18