Graduate Student Guide
Thank you for visiting the Guide for Newly Admitted Graduate Students. It is designed for online learners who are seeking a master's degree and/or graduate certificate. It addresses the most common questions and will direct you where you need to go. This guide will help you do the following:
- Gain a better understanding of WKU and online learning as a whole
- Understand the process of enrolling in a online course
- Access your university accounts, including Toppermail, TopNet, myWKU and Blackboard (software used to deliver online courses at WKU)
- Connect with strategies for success
- Get acquainted with support available for online learners at WKU
- Learn more about options to finance your graduate degree
This guide contains 5 main sections. You can expect to learn everything from how to register for your courses and set-up your accounts to how to use Blackboard, contact your advisor, qualify for and keep your financial aid, and other WKU processes and policies. All sections and topics are shown on the left menu. You can proceed to the next page by clicking "next" at the end of each page or navigate through the different sections from the left menu.