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Learning Effectively

Online courses require strong organizational skills, good time management skills, and self-motivation. This section of the orientation includes resources and helpful suggestions on succeeding in an online environment. In an online environment it can be easy to procrastinate, fall behind, and even fail the course if you are not prepared to work independently. This is largely due to time management issues. We recommend the following strategies to help you succeed:

  • When your course opens in Blackboard browse your course, and learn where each item is located. While all courses use Bb, they may be organized a bit differently depending on the preferences of the instructor. Instructors may also utilize different tools (discussion board, blog, etc.) in their particular course.
  • Read your syllabus thoroughly. Make sure you have a good understanding of course requirements and expectations. If you have any questions, ask immediately.
  • Create a comprehensive course calendar. The calendar should include all assignments with due dates, tests, discussion board due dates if applicable, and scheduled time for homework. Once you have created this calendar stick with it!
  • Keep a copy of WKU's semester schedule bookmarked. This contains important add/drop dates, tuition deadlines and registration dates.
  • Login to Bb regularly. We recommend a minimum of 3 times each week, and you may find that more is necessary.
  • Follow course communication policies.
    • Assignments should be submitted through Bb, unless otherwise requested by your instructor.
    • All email correspondence with your instructor should include the course and section number of the class. Example: ADED 520-700.

For more information on time management, we recommend visiting the following sites:

We recommend referring to the Study Guides and Strategies website for helpful hints on studying, learning strategies, research, writing effectively, and more.



Information about accreditation can be found through the Office of the Provost.

 Last Modified 6/8/22