Isaac Keller
Isaac Keller graduated in the spring of 2021 with a Political Science and Organizational Communication double major and a Certificate in Political Communication. Isaac made the most of his four years on the Hill. He was a member of the WKU Speech and Debate Team, served as Administrative Vice President and Chief Justice of SGA, and was president of the WKU Campus YMCA Congress Club. He was also the president and founder of the WKU chapter of The Roosevelt Institute, a member of WKU Model United Nations, and a member of the Young Democrats.
While at WKU, Isaac has participated in four internships. He worked for a nonprofit in Kansas City called Synergy Services, interned in the state office for a U.S. senator, worked on Dana Beasley Brown’s (Class of 2004) campaign for BG City Commission as a volunteer coordinator, and recently served as the campaign director for Beasley Brown’s successful campaign for re-election. As a freshman, Isaac received a Fulbright Summer Institute scholarship and studied abroad in Wales studying culture and nationhood. Isaac earned a FUSE grant his junior year and conducted research over "Democratic Disenfranchisement: Analyzing the Factors that Contribute to or Hinder the Ability of Marginalized Groups to Run for Public Office in Kentucky”, which also served as the basis for his Honors thesis. He attributes his success in attaining these scholarships to Department of Political Science faculty who have offered assistance with letters of recommendation and provided him with opportunities to broaden his professional networks.
Isaac is currently attending the University of Missouri School of Law where he has received a full-tuition scholarship. He is studying election and campaign finance law in order to continue working on political campaigns.