· Specific Format (Exhibit 1)
The following is recommended in the sequence and position indicated for addressing to insure efficient handling and delivery by the U.S. Postal Service:
You will get the best possible service if you:
· Use 2 letter state abbreviations (Click here for list)
· Eliminate all punctuation (except the hyphen between ZIP Code and plus four)
· Use common abbreviations (Click here for list)
· Use Zip + 4 Codes
Make sure the place where you want the mail delivered appears on the line immediately above the city, state and zip code line.
123 W MAIN ST STE 400 or P O BOX 125
If both the street address and the P O Box are on the same line, the mailpiece will
be delivered to the
P O Box.
Address Placement
Placement of the address on the face of an envelope should conform to USPS specifications
as shown on Exhibit 1.
Labels for use on parcels, packages or large envelopes must be addressed according
to the recommended format in Exhibit 1. Improperly prepared labels will be returned
to you for correction and/or completion. Labels that are applied must be parallel
to the bottom edge of the envelope to be processed by the USPS on automation equipment.
· Correspondence
Mail of any kind for transport by the U S Postal Service should be enclosed in an
appropriate envelope or parcel and sealed. The types of enclosures determine the mailing
· Non-mailables
The following are samples of non-mailables in envelopes:
- Paper Clips - Metal Pieces
- Glass Chips - Sand
- Pins - Pens or Pencils
In addition to jamming and/or damaging the mailing machines, these items can also
cause serious injury to Mail Center employees.
The following are also classified as non-mailables and may be returned to sender:
Envelopes and Cards if pieces are less than:
3 1/2" in height
5" in length
.007" in thickness (thickness of a post card)
All foreign countries also impose various restrictions depending on country and item(s) being mailed.
It is recommended that when mailing questionable items to U S or foreign destinations, the mailer should call Postal Services for assistance.
· Window Envelope Enclosures
Enclosures that are designed so that the address appears in a window should not be
stapled to prevent movement of the address from window view. If the addressed enclosure
does not properly fit the window, use an envelope without a window.
· Sizes and Types
The size of the envelope should properly accommodate the contents. In the US Postal
System there are two categories of envelopes: letter size and flats.
Letters, non-letters and barcoded flats are rated differently by the USPS. To assure the best rate, call Mail Services for size and rates before preparing the mailpiece. Use light colored envelopes for legibility and please avoid brilliant colors.
· Post Cards
The following dimensions are the maximum and minimum size for post cards.
Height: 3 1/2" Min 4 1/4" Max
Lenght: 5" Min 6" Max
Thickness: .007" Min .016" Max
Letter Size
Letter size mail must be rectangular in shape for automated processing by USPS.
To ensure prompt and efficient processing of First Class mail, it is recommended that all envelopes and cards:
a) Have an aspect ratio of width (height) to length between 1 to 1.3 and 1 to 2.5 inclusive. See Mail Services for envelope template if you are not sure of sizing.
b) Be sealed or secured on all four edges so that they can be handled by machines.
c) Meet the following dimensions for automated processing by USPS:
Height: 3 1/2" Min 6 1/8" Max
Length: 5" Min 11 1/2" Max
Thickness* .007 Min 1/4" Max
* Firmly compressed
** Card Stock should not exceed .016"
Note: Maximum thickness for automated processing is 1/4". Mail that does not meet
automated processing size may not qualify for discounted rates. Letter size envelopes
(up to 6 1/8" X 11 1/2") over 1/4" thick will be returned to originator for re-enveloping.
Non Letter (Flats)
Non letter size envelopes are larger than the maximum letter size, but not larger
than 12" high by
15" long and 3/4" thick.
International Letter Size Envelopes
Mail in letter size envelopes for delivery to foreign countries should be placed in
"International" Envelopes. These envelopes have a red and blue border which assures
proper posting of international rates and avoid return for insufficient postage. Since
the red and blue bordered envelope indicates air mail to a foreign country, these
envelopes should not be used for mailings in the United States.
Green Bordered - Used only for First Class Mail
Barcoded Flats - Recent changes in the Postal Service allow discounts for barcoded flats. Contact Mail Services for details and current rates.
"Digest" Size Automation Compatible Flats - The US Postal Service has established specific size requirements for digest size flats. They are as follows:
· Not less than 6" nor more than 12" high
· Not less than 5" long if from 6 to 7½" high or 6" long if more than 7½" high
· Not more than 15" long
· Not less than .0009 nor more than .75" thick
Plain White or Manila - Can be used for all other classes of mail. These should be marked to show proper class of mail, i.e., First or Third Class.
Padded - These envelopes contain a cushioned lining to provide a degree of safety for mailing small and fragile merchandise.
Priority - Should be used for First Class mail weighing over 13 ounces and up to 70
pounds, or any other mail under 13 ounces requiring expedited delivery. Priority Mail
provides two day service between major metropolitan areas. This service
is not guaranteed.
The cost of mailing varies with each classification.
· Oversize/Underweight Mail
First Class, Standard A and International Letter Class Mail weighing one ounce or
less is non-standard* if it exceeds any of the following size standard limits:
6 1/8" in height
11 1/2" in length
1/4: in thickness
Its aspect ratio (length divided by height) does not fall between 1 to 1.3 and 1 to
2.5 inclusive.
* There is an additional charge on each piece of mail that is found to be non-standard.
In addition, pieces which are less than the following dimensions are non-mailable in the U S Postal Service and will be returned to you.
3 1/2" in height
5" in length
.007" in thickness (thickness of a postcard)
· First Class Mail
Any mailable matter may be mailed as First Class Mail. The following examples are
considered First Class matter and must carry postage at First Class or Priority Mail
(a) Matter wholly or partially handwritten or type-written (including identical copies prepared by automatic typewriter), originals or carbons, invoices, (except when accompanying the matter to which they relate), postal cards, post cards.
(b) Matter sealed against postal inspection.
(c) Bills and statements of account .
(d) Price lists with written-in figures changing items or prices.
(e) Blank printed forms filled out in writing, including canceled or un-canceled checks.
(f) A computer printout may or may not be First Class matter. It depends on the content. Contact Mail Services for additional information.
(g) If you are not sure if it is First Class, ask us!
(h) Discounted rates are available for 500 or more pieces.
· Priority Mail
All First Class mail exceeding 13 ounces and not exceeding 70 pounds is considered
priority mail and at the option of the mailer, any mail weighing 13 ounces or less.
There is no minimum weight limitation. There is a flat rate up to two pounds.
The WKU Postal Service provides free Priority supplies: cardboard and Tyvek envelopes, boxes and stickers.
Use Priority Mail when 2 to 3 day service is desired. Discount rates are available for 300 or more pieces when using priority mail.
Use Flat Rate Priority Envelopes when possible. These free envelopes allow any weight of material for the 2 pound rate.
Note: Priority Mail is a 2 to 3 day service between 64 major markets i.e. Atlanta
to Dallas or Chicago to New York. When using Priority Mail we recommend use of priority
envelopes available at no charge from the WKU Postal Services.
· Standard Mail (A)
The following is considered Standard Mail (A) Matter:
- Circulars - Catalogs
- Booklets - Newsletters
- Merchandise - Product Samples
- Photographs - Printed Matter
Each piece of Standard Mail (A) must be less than 16 ounces. Anything heavier must be mailed as Standard Mail (B) or Priority mail. Reduced rates are available for mailing of 200 or more pieces or a mailing of 50 lbs.
The standards for size and surcharge for single piece third class mail weighing one ounce or less are the same as for First Class.
· Standard Mail (B) (Parcel Post)
The following is considered Standard Mail (B)Matter:
Þ Packages or Parcels Þ Sound Recordings Þ Books
Þ Library Materials Þ Merchandise Þ Films
Þ Bound Printed Matter Þ Computer Media Þ Video Tapes
Each piece of Standard Mail (B) must not exceed 70 pounds in weight and a maximum size of 108" in length and girth combined.
A number of quantity discounts are available for mailings of 200 or more pieces. Call the Mail Center for information.
There are three sub-categories of fourth class mail that might save postage. They are:
- Special Standard Mail (B) (Known as "Book Rate", but not just for books)
- Library
- Bound Printed Matter (Known as "Catalog Rate")
Call Mail Services for qualifying items and postage rates.
· Special Services
Accountable Mail includes all Certified, Registered, Insured and Overnight Courier
mail. Do not place critical mail for these categories in the campus mail.
Certified Mail - provides you with a mailing receipt and a record of delivery is maintained at the recipient's post office for two years. A return receipt provides you with proof of delivery and can be obtained for an additional fee. Certified mail service is available only for First Class Mail. No insurance coverage is provided. A numbered label and completed receipt must be affixed. These labels can be obtained from postal services.
Registered Mail - the registered mail system is designed to provide added protection for valuable mail. Postage insurance may be purchased to cover articles valued up to $25,000. Registered mail is the most secure mail the Postal Service offers. It incorporates a system of receipts to monitor registered articles from the point of acceptance to delivery. Return receipt and restricted delivery services are available for additional fees. Added security may delay delivery by 24 - 48 hours.
Insured Mail - you can obtain payment for domestic mail that has been lost, rifled or damaged by having it insured. You can buy insurance up to $5,000 for Standard (A) and Standard (B) mail. It is also available for merchandise mailed at the Priority mail or First Class mail rates. Express Mail includes $500.00 insurance at no extra charge.
Return Receipts -A return receipt is your proof of delivery. It is available for insured mail, certified, registered and domestic Express mail shipments. The return receipt identifies the article number, who signed for it and the date it was delivered. It is not necessary to utilize a return receipt on all certified or registered mailings. Be certain to identify your department name on any return receipts so we can route them back to you.
Delivery Confirmation - Delivery Confirmation provides two exceptional services: proof of when your article was mailed and 24-hour internet or telephone access to the delivery time, date, and zip code. Delivery Confirmation can only be used with 1st Class Parcels, Priority Mail and Standard Mail (B) services.
Service Classes to
Applicable Evidence
Mailing Proof of
Delivery Additional
Loss Insurance
Loss Travels
with Other
Certified First
Priority Optional
Registered * First X X X Optional
Insured **
*** First
Standard (A)
Standard (B) Optional X X X
Confirmation 1 Class Parcel
Standard (B) X Internet
Telephone Optional X
* Registered option is available with or without postal insurance. Items without provable
value do not require insurance.
** Applies to 1st Class/Priority Mail that contains merchandise.
*** Express mail containing merchandise is insured at no cost up to $500.00.
****Standard (B) includes Media Mail and Parcel Post.
A. Return receipt at time of mailing:
(To whom delivered, date, and addressee's address if different).
Return Receipt Optional Service Available With Certified, Registered, Insured
(Over $50.00 Value)
C.O.D. And Express Mail
B. Return receipt for merchandise.
(To Whom delivered, date and addressee's address if different).
C. Return receipt after mailing:
(Up to two years after mailing)
D. Restricted delivery:
(Will be delivered only to addressee or persons authorized in writing to receive
Express Mail
Express Mail is an extremely reliable and fast delivery service available from the
US Postal Service. It reaches all major markets in the U S and 84 foreign countries.
Express Mail provides shipment of letters, documents and other mailable items and
carries document reconstruction insurance at no additional cost. You may mail up to
70 pounds. This can be delivered seven days a week at no extra charge.
Do not place critical mail for this service in the campus mail system. In order to make that day's mailing, mail for this service must be delivered to Mail Services by 3:00 P.M.
SAME DAY AIRPORT DELIVERY to 64 major airports is available for time critical items. Pick up service is not available for same day airport service.
Express mail offers a variety of service options to meet your mailing needs. The following are a list of these options. Contact the Mail Center for further details.
· Same Day Airport Delivery
· Post Office to Addressee
· Post Office to Post Office
· Express Mail International Service
Domestic Overnight Delivery is guaranteed by the U S Postal Service (to most locations, please call to insure that your destination is guaranteed), and provides for a full postage refund if the item is not delivered on time. International deliveries vary by country of destination. No guarantees are offered by the U S Postal Service since they have no control over foreign delivery systems. There isno provision for a refund.
Global Priority
The U.S. Postal Service also offers Global Priority Services, which offers the best
value for international delivery. Global Priority is treated as Expedited service
(handled with Express Mail) within the U.S.P.S. Global Priority is for correspondence
and packages that are extremely important but not urgent. Global Priority has flat
rate envelopes or items can be sent in their own packaging weighing up to 4 pounds.
Global Priority delivers shipments to select countries worldwide. To ensure that your
country receives delivery, call Postal Services for the country listing.
International Mail
Most items are mailable to foreign countries. However, there are certain restrictions.
It is important that mailers contact Postal Services to determine the proper classification
and documentation required.
If customs regulations are not followed and documentation is not exact, the item will be impounded by customs until the addressee makes arrangements for clearance and the payment of whatever duties required for the release of the item. Custom rules apply the same whether mail is sent by USPS or other couriers.
Custom forms are to be filled out and signed by the individual or department responsible for the mail.
For letter size items, use the special Tyvek Red/Blue border envelopes. They will enhance service and help the Mail Center separate them from Domestic mail.
The last line of any foreign address should be the country name spelled out in capital
letters, in English.
BRM service enables mailers to receive First Class mail by paying postage only on
the mail which is returned. We guarantee payment of the appropriate First Class postage
plus a handling charge per piece. All business reply postage and handling charges
are billed back to the using departments.
In some instances Meter Reply Mail is the most cost efficient method since there is
no service charge, but postage is prepaid. For information, contact the Mail Center.
· Type or machine-print all address information.
· Make sure print is clear and sharp.
· Ensure address characters don't touch or overlap.
· Black ink on a white background is best.
· Maintain a uniform left margin.
· Use upper-case letters
· Omit all punctuation
· Include floor, suite and apartment numbers whenever possible.
· Put the city, state and ZIP Code or ZIP + 4 code in that order on the last line.
If there's not enough room, you can put the ZIP Code or ZIP + 4 code alone on the
bottom line.
· Use standard two-letter state abbreviations.
· When using window envelopes, make sure the complete address is always visible, even
when the insert moves.
· Leave one or two spaces between words and between the state abbreviation and ZIP
Code or ZIP + 4 code.
1. The Address Area. The complete address should be located within this white area (no return address information). Extraneous (non-address) printing or markings should appear as high on the mail piece and as far away from the address as possible.EXHIBIT 1
2. Barcode Read Area. Please make sure that this area remains clear of all printing.
It's reserved for the bar code that will be printed by the Optical Character Reader
Alabama AL
Alaska AK
Arizona AZ
Arkansas AR
American Samoa AS
California CA
Colorado CO
Connecticut CT
Delaware DE
District of Columbia DC
Federal States of
Micronesia FM
Florida FL
Georgia GA
Guam GU
Hawaii HI
Idaho ID
Illinois IL
Indiana IN
Iowa IA
Kansas KS Kentucky KY
Louisiana LA
Maine ME
Marshall Islands MH
Maryland MD
Massachusetts MA
Michigan MI
Minnesota MN
Mississippi MS
Missouri MO
Montana MT
Nebraska NE
Nevada NV
New Hampshire NH
New Jersey NJ
New Mexico NM
New York NY
North Carolina NC
North Dakota ND
Northern Mariana Is. MP
Ohio OH Oklahoma OK
Oregon OR
Palau PW
Pennsylvania PA
Puerto Rico PR
Rhode Island RI
South Carolina SC
South Dakota SD
Tennessee TN
Texas TX
Utah UT
Vermont VT
Virginia VA
Virgin Islands VI
Washington WA
West Virginia WV
Wisconsin WI
Wyoming WY
East E
South S
West W
Northeast NE
Southeast SE
Southwest SW
Northwest NW
Building BLDG
Floor FL
Suite STE
Room RM
Department DEPT
1. Measure the longest side.
2. Measure distance around parcel at its thickest part.
3. Add both measurements.
Ancillary service endorsements are used by mailers to request an addressee's new address and to provide the USPS with instructions on how to handle undeliverable-as-addressed pieces. The endorsements consist of one keyword: "Address," "Forwarding," "Return," or "Change," followed by the two words "Service Requested." The endorsements are the same for all classes of mail, but the treatment and cost differ by class of mail. Use of an ancillary service endorsement on a mailpiece obligates the mailer to pay any applicable charges for forwarding, return, and separate address notification charges.
Proper placement of the endorsement is required. If the endorsement cannot be seen or understood, you might not receive the service requested. A return address must be used and placed in the upper left corner of the address side of the mailpiece or the upper left corner of the addressing area. If a return address is a multiple delivery address, it must show a unit designation (e.g., apartment number). The endorsement and return address must read in the same direction as the delivery address.
An endorsement must be printed in no smaller than 8-point type, and it must stand out clearly against its background. Brilliant colored envelopes and reverse printing are not permitted. There must be a 1/4-inch clear space around (above, below, and both sides) the endorsement.
Any printing (including an endorsement or return address) on upgradable letter-size First-Class Mail or Standard Mail (A) must not interfere with the delivery address lines within the OCR read area.
The endorsement must be placed in one of these four positions:
1. Directly below the return address.
2. Directly above the delivery address area (which includes the delivery address block
and any related
nonaddress elements such as a barcode, keyline, or optional endorsement line).
3. Directly to the left of the postage area and below any rate marking.
4. Directly below the postage area and below any rate marking.
*For Standard Mail, if undeliverable, a 1oz piece will cost .80 and a 2oz piece will
cost $1.36 when returned with the new address or reason for nondelivery.
Fees Fees
Mailer Endorsement Priority Mail and
Standard Mail (A) Standard Mail (B)
and USPS Action First-Class Mail
Address Service Requested 1
Forwarding and return. New address
notification provided.
Months 1 through 12: mailpiece Forwarding at
Forwarding at Forwarded locally at no charge; out of
forwarded; separate notice of new no charge.
no charge. town as postage due.
address provided; address
correction fee charged.
Months 13 through 18: mailpiece No charge. Weighted
fee charged.2 Return postage charged at
returned with new address attached. appropriate
single-piece rate.
After 18 months or if undeliverable: No charge. Weighted
fee charged.2 Returned if undeliverable or if
mailpiece returned with reason for
addressee refused to pay postage nondelivery attached.
due. Forwarding (where attempted)
return postage charged at
appropriate single-piece rate.
Forwarding Service Requested
Forwarding and return. New address
notification provided only for return.
Months 1 through 12: mailpiece No charge. No charge. Forwarded locally at no charge; forwarded. out of town as postage due.
Months 13 through 18: mailpiece No charge.
Weighted fee charged.2 Return postage charged at appropriate
returned with new address attached.
single-piece rate.
After 18 months or if undeliverable: No charge.
Weighted fee charged.2 Returned if undeliverable or if addressee
mailpiece returned with reason for
refused to pay postage due. Forwarding
nondelivery attached.
(where attempted) and return postage
charged at appropriate single-piece rate.
Return Service Requested
No forwarding, only return. New
address notification provided.
Mailpiece returned with new address No charge.
Single-piece First-Class Return postage charged at appropriate or reason
for nondelivery attached. Mail
or Priority Mail rate single-piece rate.
Change Service Requested Manual Manual
No forwarding or return. New notice:
notice: notice:
address notification provided. $0.50 each.
$0.50 each. $0.50 each.
Automated Automated
Separate notice of new address or
reason for nondelivery provided;
mailpiece disposed of by USPS. $0.20 each.
$0.20 each. $0.20 each.
See footnote
3. See footnote 1. See footnote 1.
Temp—Return Service Requested
Pieces returned with new address or No charge.
reason for nondelivery attached. If
temporary change of address, pieces
forwarded; no separate notice of new
temporary change of address provided.
1Valid for all mailpieces including Address Change Service (ACS) participating mailpieces.
2Weighted fee is the appropriate Single-Piece First-Class or Priority Mail rate multiplied
by 2.472 and rounded up to the next
whole cent.
3Option available only via electronic Address Correction Service (ACS) and only for
First-Class Mail and Priority Mail
pieces containing perishable matter that bear the endorsement "Perishable" and the
proper ACS codes. Not available for mail
with special services (e.g., certified or registered mail), for Priority Mail containing
non-perishable matter, or for any mail that
contains live animals.