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Master of Science in Psychology

Reach greater heights with a Master of Science in Psychology.

The Master of Science in Psychology prepares graduate students to pursue careers in business, research, or government settings, and/or to enter a doctoral program in psychology or a related field.

Within the M.S. in Psychology, two concentrations are offered:

  1. Industrial/Organizational Concentration
  2. Psychological Science Concentration

We also offer a Joint Undergraduate Master's Program (JUMP) which provides academically outstanding students the opportunity to complete both an undergraduate and graduate degree in approximately five years. Admission to this program is highly competitive. Contact the JUMP program coordinator, Dr. Jenni Teeters, for additional information.


Find Your Concentration
in the Master of Psychology

Industrial/Organizational Concentration

The Industrial/Organizational concentration of the Master of Science program in Psychology at WKU is a two-year graduate program designed for students seeking preparation as M.S. psychologists in business, industry, service organizations, consulting firms, or government agencies. The objective of the concentration is the development of marketable skills in the areas of test construction and validation, personnel selection and placement, performance appraisal, and training. Work motivation, job satisfaction, and organizational development techniques are also studied. The development of applied skills is achieved through the integration of practical experience and formal course work.

The I/O concentration adheres to a scientist-practitioner model of training. Students learn to evaluate and apply theory and research. Students are successful at gaining employment within the field of Industrial/Organizational Psychology upon graduation (e.g., human resources; people analytics; talent acquisition; organizational development and effectiveness, etc.).

If you have additional questions, please contact Industrial/Organization Concentration coordinator Dr. Katrina Burch.

Psychological Science Concentration

The Psychological Science concentration of the Master of Science in Psychology is a 2 year research mentorship concentration designed to prepare individuals for continuation in a Ph.D. program and/or for positions where strong research and quantitative skills are needed. This concentration offers research opportunities and training in areas such as aging, child development, clinical, cognition, language, neuroscience, perception, social, and more.  Many alumni have gained entry into high-quality doctoral programs; others have gone straight to the workforce and are pursuing a variety of successful careers in science, government, or business.

If you have additional questions, please contact Psychological Science Concentration coordinator Dr. Diane Lickenbrock.




Alyssa Swift smiles next to her research presentation poster.

The opportunities I have had to get hands-on experience working with data and completing independent research projects have been my favorite part of this program. My mentor has given me great flexibility and responsibility throughout my 4 years in the lab. Seeing all the hard work and collaboration that goes into research as well as seeing my own ideas come to life has been the highlight of my academic career.

Alyssa Swift, B.S. in Psychological Science & JUMP Candidate

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  • (270) 745-3918
  • psychsciences@wku.edu
  • Western Kentucky University
    Kelly Thompson Hall 1039
    Bowling Green, KY 42101





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 Last Modified 3/7/25