Psychological Sciences
Locate Us
Our lab is located in Kelly Thompson Hall (KTH), Room 4031. Kelly Thompson Hall is on the corner of State Street and College Heights Blvd., between the planetarium and Ogden College Hall.
If coming to campus from the south, the best way to get to the lab at WKU is to take Nashville Road to the roundabout, then head left onto University Blvd. Take the first right onto Normal St. and follow that. It will eventually become State St. and our building will be on the right.
If coming to campus from the north (downtown), the best way to get to the lab at WKU is to take College St. to East 13th Ave., turn left, and then turn right on State St. Our building will be on the left.
Designated parking spaces for research participants are located in a small lot on the north side of the building, in between Kelly Thompson Hall and Ogden College Hall. One of our lab members will be available to help you find the parking space and to give you a parking permit to place on your dashboard.