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Psychological Sciences Faculty and Staff

Dr. Patrick Ledwidge
Dr. Patrick Ledwidge
- Assistant Professor

My research is broadly focused on developing neuroscience methods to improve the prevention, assessment, and rehabilitation of acquired cognitive disorders . I’m particularly interested in using EEG to determine how individual differences in brain-behavior relationships after neurotrauma (e.g., concussion) are predictive of long-term psychosocial and clinical recovery. Most recently, my research has focused on establishing how athletes’ neuroplasticity after sports-related concussion and lower-extremity musculoskeletal injury is predictive of their risk for subsequent injury. Towards this aim, my lab collaborates with clinicians and scientists across disciplines to develop clinic-friendly neuroscience tools to evaluate sports-related injuries (e.g., dual-task EEG). Our goal is to leverage neuroscience techniques and principles to improve the standard of care for sports-related injuries. 

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 Last Modified 5/31/23