Rock Solid Evaluation Team
Rock Solid Evaluation Team
The Rock Solid Evaluation Team at Western Kentucky University is comprised of faculty and staff uniquely qualified to carry out the complex steps of educational program evaluation. Our combined experience represents over 50 years of educational assessment and evaluation work, leading to more than 30 published research articles in these areas. The strength of the team lies not only in each member’s unique skills, but also in the built-in “redundancy” to ensure that all data-gathering protocols, implementation of evaluation processes, formative and summative data analyses, and reporting represent the collective and collaborative wisdom of the many. Our evaluation methods adhere to the Program Evaluation Standards created by the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (Yarbrough, Shula, Hopson, & Caruthers, 2010) and we regularly consult the academic literature to ensure that we are up-to-date on relevant research findings and methodological techniques.