University Senate Meeting Agenda
University Senate Meeting
Thursday, May 12, 2016 -- 3:45 p.m.
Faculty House
Copy of Agenda
A. Approve April Minutes
B. Reports:
1. Chair – Kate Hudepohl
2. Vice Chair – Julie Shadoan
a. Committee Lot Draw Results
b. At-Large Members on University Senate Standing Committees
3. Secretary – Heidi Alvarez
4. Coalition of Senate and Faculty Leadership for Higher Education – Molly Kerby
5. AAUP President - Margaret Crowder
6. Advisory:
a. Faculty Regent – Barbara Burch
b. Provost – David Lee
c. SGA President – Jay Todd Richey
C. Committee Reports and Recommendations
1. Graduate Council: Kurt Neelly (Report posted; Endorsed by SEC)
2. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee: Liz Sturgeon (Report posted; Endorsed by SEC)
a. April Meeting
b. May Meeting
3. Colonnade General Education Committee: Marko Dumancic (Report posted; Endorsed by SEC)
4. Academic Quality: Jeremy Maddox (No Report)
5. Budget and Finance Committee: Claus Ernst (No Report)
6. Faculty Welfare and Professional Responsibility: Patti Minter (Report posted; Endorsed by SEC)
a. Consensual Relationships Benchmark Information
7. Faculty Handbook Committee: Margaret Crowder (Report posted; Endorsed by SEC)
a. Substantive Change - 01a-2016 Continuance Documentation Flow
b. Substantive Change - 04-2016 Graduate Faculty
c. Substantive Change - 05-2016 Criteria for Individual Ranks
i. 2016-NSa Outline III.C. reformatting
d. Substantive Change - 06-2016 Criteria for Promotion, Areas
e. Substantive Change - 07-2016 Criteria for Promotion. Levels
f. Substantive Change - 08-2016 Procedures for Recommending Promotion
g. Substantive Change - 09-2016 Tenure Appointment, Areas of Performance
8. University Committees - Reports from Senate Appointees
a. University Benefits Committee (Claus Ernst for Eric Kondratieff): Report attached
b. Budget Council (Indu Chhachi / Eric Reed): Report attached
c. Athletic Committee (Craig Martin): Report attached
D. Old Business
E. New Business
1. Policy 1.1012, Consensual Relations Between Faculty and Students
2. Policy 1.1112 Faculty Credentials
3. Policy 1.2190 Tuition Waiver Program for Part-time Faculty
F. Information items
1. President Ransdell Response to Motion and Resolutions
a. Motion Regarding BOR Policies
b. Budget and Finance Committee Resolution - Prioritizing Wage Increase
c. Budget and Finance Committee Resolution - Restricting Building Projects