Senate Executive Committee Meeting Agenda
Senate Executive Committee (SEC) Meeting
Monday, December 2, 2024 -- 3:15pm
(In Person: WAB 227)
A. Approve minutes of previous month's SEC Meeting:
1. SEC Meeting Minutes, 11.11.24
B. Officer Reports
1. Chair - Mac McKerral
2. Vice Chair - Dan Clark
3. Secretary - Sarah Bonis
C. Standing Committee Reports:
1. Academic Quality, Tracy Jenkins (Chair): (No Report)
2. Budget and Finance, Eric J. Kondratieff (Chair): (Report Posted)
3. Colonnade/General Education, Angie Jerome (Chair): (No Report)
4. Faculty Welfare and Professional Responsibilities, Stephanie Riehn (Chair): (Report Posted)
5. Graduate Council, Jeremy Logsdon (Chair): (Report posted)
6. Graduate Council Curriculum Committee, Whitley Stone (Chair) (Report Posted)
7. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Shelia Flener (Chair): (Report Posted)
8. Faculty Handbook, Julie Shadoan (Chair): (No Report)
D. Other Committee/Organization Reports:
1. American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
2. Budget Executive Committee (BEC)
3. Coalition of Senate and Faculty Leadership (COSFL)
4. ONE WKU, Molly Kerby (Chair)
E. Advisory Member Reports:
1. Faculty Regent, Shane Spiller
2. Provost, Robert "Bud" Fischer
3. SGA President, Sam Kurtz
F. Old Business:
G. New Business:
1. Action item: SGA Safety Resolution
2. Action item: Appointment to WKU Employee Benefits Advisory Committee
2a. Andrew Head Bio
2b. Dan Clark Bio
3. Action Item: Summer-Winter Session Compensation Policy
H. Information Item:
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