University Senate Meeting Agenda
University Senate Meeting
Thursday, November 17, 2016 -- 3:45 p.m.
Faculty House
Copy of Agenda
A. Approve October Minutes
B. Reports - part I (non-standing committee and advisory in section F):
1. Chair – Kate Hudepohl
2. Vice Chair – Julie Shadoan
3. Secretary – Heidi Alvarez
C. Committee Reports and Recommendations
1. Graduate Council: Shannon Vaughn (Report posted; Endorsed by SEC)
2. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee: Liz Sturgeon (Report posted; Endorsed by SEC)
3. Colonnade General Education Committee: Marko Dumancic (Report posted; Endorsed by SEC)
4. Academic Quality: (No Report)
5. Budget and Finance Committee: (No Report)
6. Faculty Welfare and Professional Responsibility: Patti Minter (Report posted)
7. Faculty Handbook Committee: Margaret Crowder (No Report)
8. Ad Hoc Committee of Senate Charter Revisions: (Draft Posted - 1st Reading)
Motion at October 2016 SEC meeting for the Senate Executive Committee to serve as the Committee as a whole to propose changes to and to revise the Senate Charter. Three areas to address:
1) Membership of at-large senators (from May 2016 motion requesting consideration
of low #s in some colleges)
2) Issue of GC standing committee chair (issue from 2015 charter revision that was
agreed to but missed in charter revisions)
3) Terms of office for complaint committee (issue identified by both Shadoan and
D. Old Business
E. New Business
F. Reports - part II
1. Coalition of Senate and Faculty Leadership for Higher Education – Molly Kerby
2. AAUP representative - Margaret Crowder
3. Advisory:
a. Faculty Regent – Barbara Burch
b. Provost – David Lee
c. SGA President – Jay Todd Richey
G. Information Items
1. President Ransdell Response to Rec. #2016_10_05 Motion to Amend Policy 0.2040