About Student Conduct
The Office of Student Conduct is the “Judicial Umbrella” at Western Kentucky University. Within the Division of Enrollment and Student Experience, direct supervisory jurisdiction of student behavior matters involving violations of The Student Handbook is assumed by the Director of Student Conduct who serves as the senior conduct officer of the University. Under the direction of the Dean of Students, the WKU Student Handbook will be reviewed every two years.
In order to foster an environment where student learning and growth can be maximized, Office of Student Conduct has a responsibility to ensure that disruptions to the University Community are handled in an educational, fair, and timely manner.
In an effort to achieve these goals while keeping our community an environment conducive for learning, the office holds students accountable for their behavior who may violate the WKU Student Code of Conduct – in and outside of the classroom – whether on university property or off-campus.
A campus community conducive to a positive learning environment-preparing students to be productive, engaged, and socially responsible citizens leaders of a global society--
The Office will address unacceptable behavior in a manner that informs students and guides them toward modified behavior. The Office will oversee that fairness and due process is met while administering the concepts outlined in the WKU Student Handbook.
General Philosophy
Students are citizens and members of the University academic community. A citizen's rights and liberties under the Constitution must always be applied in light of the special characteristics of the environment in which the rights are to be exercised. Central to the special characteristics of the environment of a state supported university campus is the special authority of University officials designated by the Board of Regents to control, preserve, and manage University property and affairs and to maintain order and discipline.
Therefore, the WKU Student Code of Conduct was established to ensure that disruptions to the University community are handled in an educational, fair, and dignified manner. The University expects students, parents, and the greater community to respect its rules and procedures governing the WKU community and will resist any unwarranted attempts to influence University policies and procedures.
The University demands high standards of personal conduct and encourages each student to maintain integrity through self-discipline. The University adopts rules and regulations that are necessary for the orderly, harmonious, and beneficial functioning of the University community. Accordingly, each student must respect the rights of others and should abide by the spirit as well as the letter of regulations of the University and laws of the community, state, and nation.
The Office of Student Conduct adheres to the Ethical Principles and Standards outlined by The Association for Student Conduct Administration. These Ethical Principles and Standards provide the basis for behavioral expectations within our academic community.
Any question of interpretation regarding the WKU Student Handbook shall be referred to:The Office of Student Conduct.