Arrest History Disclosure Process
The requirement for all students to declare criminal convictions was incorporated on the application forms issued by the Office of Admissions utilizing the Dean of Students Office as the clearing house, in 1988. This process was replicated with the Office of Judicial Affairs (now Student Conduct) in August 2008, as it became necessary to realign the process.
Western Kentucky University (WKU) is committed to maintaining a safe environment for all members of the university community. As part of this commitment, the University requires all applicants who have been arrested or convicted of any crime other than a minor traffic violation, or suspended from school to disclose additional information in order to process their admissions application. All applicants must reveal whether they have a criminal record and cooperate by providing a complete statement of criminal conviction for review. An applicant must provide a listing of each incident, date of each occurrence, and all court outcome documentation. A previous legal matter; high school and/or college disciplinary action does not automatically bar admission to WKU, but does require review. A record of serious criminal history or convictions may disqualify an applicant for admission.
What to do:
1. All applicants that have been arrested or convicted of any crime other than a minor traffic violation must disclose this information as a mandatory step in the application process. Additionally, all applicants that have a history of formal disciplinary action at any high school; college or university are required to disclose this information as a mandatory step in the application process.
2. All statements must provide a brief explanation of the arrest, or conviction; location (city, state, country) of arrest or previous conduct, with dates and court disposition. All statements must also include a grant of permission to WKU for complete access to criminal records, if any. All applicants must sign their statement, and declare that the information they have provided is accurate and that no material information has been omitted. Official court documents will be required.
3. Completed statements can be either emailed to; faxed to 270-745-5485 or sent by certified mail to The Office of Student Conduct. This information must be sent within 72 hours of receipt of the notification from The Office of Admissions.
4. If any of the information on their disclosure form changes after a student has applied (for instance, they are convicted of another criminal offense or their legal situation has changed), they are under a duty to disclose this information to the institution to update their application.
With respect to criminal activities that occur subsequent to enrollment, the conduct process is the sole venue for addressing such behaviors. Students have a reporting requirement and must bring to the attention of The Office of Student Conduct any criminal convictions obtained against them. Upon learning of a criminal charge or conviction against a student, The Office of Student Conduct may request additional information for review impose an interim suspension, may initiate the student conduct process and impose a behavior agreement based on the behavior, and/or may initiate the judicial process for violation of local, state or federal law.
5. Additionally, each student must provide a statement agreeing to abide by the University’s rules and regulations. Each applicant is provided relevant information for rules and regulations found in ‘The Student Handbook’
6. An assessment is made for each applicant. The decision is made to either allow applicants admission or deny. Decisions to allow those with criminal convictions may include provisions for enrollment and housing. (i.e. a student may be allowed admission, but denied on-campus housing or a student may be allowed admission but only be allowed to enroll in distance learning courses)
7. Documentation in relation to criminal convictions will be held in a confidential file for 5 years in The Office of Student Conduct after a decision has been made.
*Withholding or giving false information, in whole or in part, will make a student ineligible for admission to WKU or ineligible to continue in school if admission has been granted on the basis of such information.
Western Kentucky University
An equal opportunity, affirmative action, institution