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Off-Campus Jurisdiction


While the institution does not desire to act as a policing authority for the activities of the student off of University property, and while it cannot serve as a sentencing authority for a student’s violation of federal, state or local law, the University may take appropriate action in situations involving misconduct that violates the WKU Code of Student Conduct, judicial action may be taken by the university for any act constituting a violation of the law.

The university has a vested interest in student behavior as it pertains to alcohol use and other drug use which threatens the health, welfare and safety of self and others. The university has deemed off –campus violations of the alcohol and drug code of conduct to be actionable by the university student conduct process. When actions or incidents occur outside of the residence halls or off campus, such conduct may call into question the student’s continued membership in the educational community either because the student grossly violated elementary standards of behavior required for the maintenance of the educational community or because the student’s continued presence would adversely affect the pursuit of educational goals by others.

It is also the position of the Office of Student Conduct that among the violations of misconduct considered to be of an especially serious nature are those that represent a threat to the safety and health of members of the University Community. These include involvement with narcotics, dangerous drugs, and/or controlled substances, violence or threat of violence, non consensual sexual contact, and the possession of firearms or the brandishing of any object in threatening manner. A student found in possession of a firearm or any other weapon or the brandishing of any object in a menacing or threatening manner will be referred to the Director of Student Conduct for the sole purpose of determining immediate separation, suspension or expulsion.

 Last Modified 11/28/18