Range of Conduct Outcomes
The following list describes University outcomes that may be administered as a result of violating the WKU Student Code of Conduct. Outcomes may be imposed only after the student has been given the opportunity to review alleged violations, review any evidence and respond to the allegations. Should the student wish to not participate in a conference, the conference and resulting outcomes may be administered in absentia.
Preponderance is the standard of proof used in conduct meetings and formal student conferences. For a student to be found responsible for a violation, the information must indicate that it is more likely than not that the violation occurred. This is very different from the criminal court system.
Conduct outcomes may be used independently or in combination depending on the particular circumstance of the violation. Chronic and/or multiple violations during the course of an individual student's college career may increase the level of outcome applied.
The outcome of suspension and expulsion may be applied only by the University Disciplinary Committee, as designated by the Board of Regents under Kentucky Revised Statute 164.370, for offenses which are of such severity or nature that expulsion or suspension of the responsible student is in the best interest of the University.
1. Warning ‑ Official notice to a student that conduct or actions are in violation. Verbal or written that specific inappropriate conduct is unacceptable and notice that additional violations shall result in the next level of outcome.
2. Educational Outcome‑ An outcome which may be used in lieu of, or in combination with, outcomes numbered three through six below. Educational Outcomes will be consistent with the behavior. In some cases, at the discretion of the conduct administrator, a student found in violation may attend special educational seminars, classes, or workshops offered in the subject area of the violation or are applied in another way which is directly related to the violation. In these cases, the student must always submit written proof of completion of the educational outcome. The University may also contact parents or legal guardians of students found in violation of policy concerning the possession of alcohol or controlled substances if the student is under 21.
3. Behavior Agreement ‑ A written agreement between the University wherein the student agrees to comply with established behavior expectations.
4. Restricted Use of Facilities ‑ Denial of on campus use of an automobile for a specified period of time, removal from a living group, or other privilege including the use of specific University facilities, consistent with the behavior. Restricted use of facilities may be accompanied by other outcomes.
Housing Probation – A period of observation and review of a student’s conduct as it directly relates to their ability to reside in on-campus living. During housing probation, the student must demonstrate compliance with Hilltopics: Residence Hall Handbook and WKU Student Code of Conduct. Continued disruptive behavior while on housing probation may result in the removal from and/or inability to reside in on-campus housing. This may be imposed for a specified period of time.
5. Restitution ‑ Reimbursement by transfer of property or service to the University or a member of the University community in an amount not in excess of the damage or loss incurred. Reimbursement may be accompanied by other outcomes.
6. Restricted University Participation - Exclusion for a period of time from participating in extra-curricular activities including recognized student organizations and/or representing the University in any manner. Classroom attendance will be unaffected.
The following outcomes may be imposed upon groups or organizations:
Deactivation – Loss of all privileges, including University recognition, for a specified period of time.
7. Probation - A period of observation and review of conduct in which the student demonstrates compliance with the provisions of University regulations. Any student found in violation of the Student Code of Conduct while on Disciplinary Probation in the same semester of academic probation may be subject to dismissal from the university immediately.
8. Deferred Suspension – In some cases, an outcome of suspension may be held in abeyance for a specified period. This means that, if the student is found responsible of any violation during that period, the student will be subject to the deferred outcome without further review, in addition to the conduct action appropriate to the new violation.
9. Separation – an immediate dismissal from the University based on threat or danger to the university community or severe, pervasive student behavior. Students separated from the University are eligible to apply for reinstatement to the University. Readmission is not guaranteed.
10. Interim Suspension – Exclusion for a period of time, prior to a student conference, from the residence halls or campus (including classes) and all other college activities or privileges of a University student.
Interim suspension may be imposed only:
· To ensure the safety and well-being of Members of the University Community or preservation of University property.
· To ensure the student’s own physical or emotional safety and well being; or
· If the student poses a definite threat of disruption of or interference with the normal operations of the University.
11. Suspension - Exclusion for a period of time, generally from one term to one year. A removal from the university is a time away for a number of academic semesters or until certain conditions are met.
In certain circumstances, the Director of Student Conduct or the Dean of Students may impose a University or residence hall suspension.
All students who reach a level of sanction that includes any suspension may not be eligible to reside in the University Housing System.
12. Expulsion - Dismissal from the University for an indefinite period of time. Any student expelled may not, thereafter, be readmitted to the University except upon application to the Board of Regents through the President.